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Chapter 8 : Safe Travels

Last time on Dragon Ball New Age! As the the days go by, Earth's newest generation of Z-fighters ready themselves for the fight of their lives, there lurks their challenge. millions of light years away grows the evil that approaches the Earth. Now with a band of ravenous villains, Ekron and his men ready themselves for the long voyage to the Earth. But will they succeed in their conquest or be defeated by the Z-Fighters?

*****(In The Deep Emptiness Of Space)*****

"Quantrom status report! "Ekron ordered toward to Quantrom.

After a month of traveling towards Earth the soldiers who were selected to venture out to an unknown planet are now getting unsatisfied that they have to wait too long to reach their destinations.

"Well Ekron, " Replied back Quantrom. But Ekron gave him a distinguished look that made Quantrom change his selection of words.

"Well Captain Ekron," Said Quantrom, correcting himself. "It seems that we have a long ways to go to reach the planet. "

As soon as Quantrom finished, it had seemed that everyone lounging around in their positions moaned that they have sit a whole 9 other months without anything to do.

" But on the bright side." Quantrom continued. "It seems we are ahead of schedule and could do a little quick stop to another planet and have some fun."

Ekron gave a evil grin towards Quantrom. Telling him that he was for the idea.

"Fine, if we really have time to spare then I suppose that we visit a planet and have some fun. Bagus land the ship in the nearest planet." Ekron commanded.

"Oh but of course captain Ekron." Replied back Bagus. "Ah it seems that the nearest planet is planet Ukson. Shall we stay there for our little vacation?" Asked Bagus with a smirk on his face.

"Yes! Immediately!" Yelled Ekron as he was now getting more impatient by the second.

In nearly minutes the oval sized ship landed in planet Ukson. Ukson was a barren wasteland nothing seemed to live on such a planet. Plant life was rare to find. Its main inhabitants were the Alkonsians. The alien species that always covered there face with cloth covering nearly everything except their eyes.

The ship landed. Spiked legs came out of the ship to make the landing more comfortable. Ekron amd his men walked out the ship to greet one of the natives.

"Leave this place your kind have no business to be here!" The native warned. Waving his staff trying to ward off the uninvited travelers.

"But please sir, we are nothing but merchants." There was plea in Ekron's voice. "We are running out of fuel and all we need is some to get back home."

"No! "Yelled the native still flailing around his staff. "This is our land and I demand you leave or else." Waorned the native.

"Hahaha!" Ekron softly chuckled changing his pleading voice to a more confident evil laughter. " I was hoping for this to go the hard way."

In a fast movement Ekron's arm came out of his robe. Straightening out his arm he blasted a wave of energy toward the native. The native had no way of defending himself. The native was sent back flying until he had hit a building and exploded when the attack hit the building.

"Men do as you please. "Ekron started to walk toward the ship. "For I have no pleasure in destroying such weak people that are lower than me. Do as you please just don't dent the ship."

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