First Day

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A/N: Thanks for the 421 reads. Damnit guys I wanted 420. Anyway I'm still really grateful for all the reads and votes and comment. Thanks Quezan and TheDeadMeta1 and HighLordLoli that's it. Thanks again guys for the reads. Watch Markyjoe, Skallagrim and shit. Not sponsored, but they're good. Also the cloak is seen above and below. Van's mom's cloak that is. Anyway, enjoy.
"...Rwby belongs to Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth. Also we OCs belong to ourselves. I still think I'm in the wrong universe..."


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"GOOD MORNING BITCHES! WAKEY WAKEY YOU LITTLE FUCKS!" I scream as I open the window in my pajamas

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"GOOD MORNING BITCHES! WAKEY WAKEY YOU LITTLE FUCKS!" I scream as I open the window in my pajamas. I was aiming this towards my team, but I felt it would be too much.
"...Too much..."
"Umm, Mile... come back to my arms...."
"Aaw... did I disturb your snu-snu?"
"Shut up. I'm awake now, so let's go change first."
"Exactly my intention." We all go to the shower room and change clothes to our Beacon School Uniforms. I felt like the outfit was missing something, so I put on mom's cloak. I never knew what she called it... I'll find out in some video later...probably...
"Okay Team VAMP! Let's clean up the rest of our shit." We all pull out our luggage.
"Okay guys, let's put whatever we want to put on the walls, on the walls." I personally put up the Ice Pommel Maker. I'm not going to use it. Though maybe I could work on it when I'm bored. Phoenix puts up a picture. The picture is of his... probably his family. There's Phoenix in the middle, his possible dad and possible mom. There's a girl next to him with white twin tails that reach down to her ankle.
"Your family?"
"Yeah... this one's my dad, mom and my very very long distance cousin." Ah, that's his cousin.
"We might as well be strangers, but we are close."
"I see."
"Mile, look! I brought the picture of our families together!" I look over at Makoto's picture. It's of little Mile, little Makoto and probably their parents. 6 people in all.
"And I brought the picture of..."
"Our engagement?"
"Y-yeah..." Their engagement?
"I love you Mile!" Wait...
"YOU'RE ACTUALLY ENGAGED? I THOUGHT THAT WAS JUST MAKOTO'S DELUSIONS!" WOAH. I'm not even old enough to have friends that are old enough to marry...
"Tell me your story." I have to know about the details.
"W-well, alright..."
"Everybody sit down in a circle. Let's hear this story." Everyone follows my orders and we sit down in a circle. I gesture for him to speak.
"Okay..... it all began when we became neighbors...
"Hey dad, I want to move into that house!"
"Okay Makoto, but remember that it was your decision to live in that house... why do you want to live there anyway?"
"There's a cute boy I really like in the house next door! He seems nice too! He has a good family and a nice appearance..."
"Okay okay..."
~Some days later~
"Mom. The girl's harassing me again."
"I'm sure she isn't doing anything bad..."
"Mom. She literally tried to steal my clothes! She even sniffed them too! And everytime I wake up she's in my bed!"
"That's a very normal thing for kids your age do Mile. She's just very excited to finally have a friend. You're her first friend Mile. So ignore her quirky behavior and treat her as your first friend too. Because she is also you're only friend. You know you remind me of me when I was younger. No friends."
"Mom....please. I don't think kids steal each other's clothes. And sleep in the same bed as each other... especially if they're of different genders..."
"When did you get so cynical Mile?"
"Umm dad?"
"Be sure to remind me to 'talk' to him."
~Some hours later~
"What is it Mile?"
"Mom wants to talk to you."
" it normal for children to mess around with each other's clothes?"
"No, definitely not. Mile, your mother favors that girl as your potential wife... if you don't like her, just say so out loud."
"I-I don't necessarily not like her... but she gets annoying..."
"Then deal with it."
~Some days later~
"Yes Makoto."
"How do you get married?"
"Well Makoto, come here and mama will tell you."
"Okay mom!"
"Makoto... the first part of marriage is getting to know your partner. You have to be sure, absolutely sure, about your partner. After that, comes the engagement. The man has to propose okay? It's rare for the girl to propose unless the man is very shy..."
"What's propose?"
"It's when you give a declaration of love to the other person. But a proposal only works if they both accept it. If one doesn't accept it then it's a rejection. A rejection is when the person doesn't return your feelings for you, and you end up broken. Always thinking about how you failed to get the person you love..."
"Uh mom?"
"...Right. After engagement, you need to set up a time and place to have the wedding. Then you can ask someone to officiate your wedding and marry you together with your loved one. Also proposals are usually done with rings on the ring finger to signify the engagement."
"Mom! I'm going to go propose to Mile right now!"
"Now now wait Makoto. Remember what I said. Get to know each other."
~Some Years later~
"Makoto. Umm... I don't know how to tell you this, but..."
"Mile I love you too!"
"Uh not what I was going to say..."
"...I kind of warmed up to you a bit... I mean at first I thought you were really weird. But now that I know you, I kind of like you..."
"I love you too!"
~Some hours later~
"Mom! Mile proposed to me!"
"That's great, did you say yes?"
"I've got a great idea now Makoto, let's all dress up in wedding wear and take a picture together."
"Good idea mom!"
~Some months later~
"Nononononononono. No. Nonono. No."
"Yay! Mile let's get rings now!"
"Nonononononoonno. This is a dream. There's no way I agreed to this. There's no way dad agreed to this...."
~Some time later~
"Mom, Dad. What are those?"
"Engagement Transcripts or whatever it's called Mile."
"Dad, you tried to stop mom right?"
"I tried."
"So now, you're in an arranged marriage with Makoto!"
"Nnononoononnoononoo. Mom please no. I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this anymore. I just wanted to be friends...."
~Present Time~
"And that's pretty much it." Really? Makoto moved in and stalked him, until she learned what marriage was and then Mile warmed up to her at some point and then he said something about liking her and then they took a marriage picture and somehow actually got engaged...
"Moving in next to Mile was the best choice of my life!"
"Agreeing to the picture was the worst idea my mom ever had. But, I guess I did profit..." Mile is still blushing like a beet root. Or a tomato. Whichever suits you best.
"Van, what about your family anyway? Everybody put up a picture of their family so what about you?" ...
"...You're right, I should put it up." I think I still have that old picture... Found it. It's a picture of 10 year old me, mom and dad. Dad was holding me up. Mom was holding an ice sculpture of our family, with the same pose in the picture. I-I'm not crying.... I-I can't cry now... I'm in Beacon... everything I did these past 7 years, were all for this... I have to get revenge and live my life how I want it...
"Van. It's fine to cry. You're our leader, and we'll support you. Besides, wouldn't anyone cry if they missed their family?"
"Y-you're right Mile..."
Mile Pov
Geez our leader is a handful. One minute he's screaming in our ears to wake up the next he's crying over a family photo.
"I'm sorry for your loss. It must've been painful to lose your family." I can't say I know that feeling, but I can at least comfort him.
"Makoto, time stop." She listens to me and does so.
"Van, you can cry all you want here, no one but your team will hear it. Van, we're a team. You can trust us." Van keeps crying, over his picture. Looks like he finally let out all his emotions huh?
"Come here buddy, we're your team now. And you're the leader, we can't have a leader who's a crybaby right? So let out all your emotions here and now..." Van slightly nods his head and opens the window, screaming.
Van Pov
Very Seth.
"I'm fine now... Don't worry about me. I'm used to living alone, but I've got you guys now. Let's finish cleaning up." I grab the picture and put it in an ice frame, and I put it on the wall, the part of the wall only visible to the person in my bed.
"I'm going to be the best leader you ever fucking had!"
"...Let's finish it Van."
"Finally, he's back to his old self! Welcome back buddy!"
"Welcome back."" Goddamnit I love my team. But in a familial way.
"Okay next we put up the rest of our stuff, if you guys need furniture ask me."
"...I need a place to put my combat manuals..."
"So, a book rack? Done." I create a book rack that fits Phoenix's combat manuals perfectly, I make it in the corner of the room. Phoenix smiles at me and goes to put his books there. I also create a wardrobe for us to put our clothes in.
"Is this a wardrobe or a fridge?"
"Both if you want it to be."
"Cool." Pun accepted.
"Hey Van, I need help here!"
"On the way..."
~Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Team VAMP decorating~
"And I think we're done!" Finally we're done... Makoto's time stop helped a lot! We were able to save tons of time with it! Team Hax for the win!
"Let's go to class now guys..."
"What time is it anyway?"
"Shit. Okay Makoto time stop, we're getting there in one minute."
"Righto!" We run out of the dorm and run towards class. Makoto stops time. We keep running and running and running... It felt like we took 5 minutes... Hey is that Team RWBY and Team JNPR?
"Phoenix time?"
"We barely made it..."
We walk into the classroom with our heads held high.
"You barely made it, take a seat." We do so, somewhere near the front. Like maybe 4 rows away?
"Lesson time... where is Team RWBY and Team JNPR anyway?"
"... I think they'll make it a second before time.... and there they are..." Is something wrong with Phoenix?
"W-we're here..."
"Take a seat, you were one second away from being late..."
"T-thanks for letting us off teacher..."
"Port. Take a seat, lesson is beginning."
The 8 do so. At different seats, not all together. Why? Nothing really important in these lessons... Mr Port is just talking about his previous time when he was younger, I bet it could be useful, but I have my dad's videos... I wonder if Weiss got the vid...
"Umm, is it me or is Mr Port literally saying Blah blah blah?"
"That's happening to me too man."
I look over to where the conversation was and it's right next to our table. It's Blanc and Nila talking. Hēisè and Acha are next to them too.
"Mile? He literally is saying blah blah blah isn't he?"
"Yeah..." What a boring lesson.
"So, does anybody believe that they posses the capabilities of a real leader?" Finally something that isn't blah blah blah.
Weiss raises her hand. Okay...
"Ah, Miss Weiss Schnee and Mr Vanilla Einzbern. I see, luckily we have 2 grimm for you two to fight." Wait what me? I didn't... I did? I-I can't pull my arm down. What is this? What manner of sorcery is this? It must be the work of the enemy's Semblance. But who could....?
Pyrrha Pov
Why is my Aura diminishing? I didn't even do anything? I didn't use my Aura to do anything, unless... Is my Semblance automatically activating? It is! But how? It's a manual Semblance, yet it's activating automatically? I better stop it now... Who is it targeting... Van? So he raised his hand because of me? I have to apologize for that later...
Van Pov
Finally my hand went down. What could have controlled my hand to go up? I'll think about it later. Weiss is currently fighting a Boarbatusk? I think that's the name... Weiss is having some trouble with it for some reason, I mean she was able to work with her team to take down a Nevermore as I heard Yang mention somewhere, I don't see why she can't handle a boarbatusk. She's finally done.
"Now, Mr Einzbern please come up, you will be facing the same type of grimm Ms Schnee was fighting. 3...2...1..0" Wait now? I go up to the stage fast and create a little surprise.... The grimm charges at me, I dodge it effortlessly. It charges again, now it the moment.
"Pommel Strike!" I throw an Ice Pommel at it, it gets dazed a bit from the shock of the pommel hitting it's head. I wait there for it to charge me again. It trips on the pommel and flips over. Poor, poor thing. I end it's misery. Oum...why do we have to kill these poor creatures... they can't even do anything to fight back, yet they fight... why can't we just keep them as pets? I cover my face with my hand in shame. And with mom's hoodie.
"Looks like we are in the presence of another True Hunter..." I shake my head and go back to my seat. Why...
The rest of the lesson, I've been hanging my head in shame, with only my mom's hoodie to comfort me.
"Good fight! Now, students remember to study the materials and be vigilant! Always be vigilant! No, one of my eyes are not magical. Goodbye!" Mr Port waves us goodbye. We all leave for our next lesson...
And suddenly a wild Ozpin appeared before Ruby, did she stumble on him on accident? Or did he show himself intentionally? Next time on VAMP! I wait for them to finish talking. Then I walk up to Ozpin...
"So... I don't get any special treatment?"
"You're older than her by 2 years Van, you don't need special treatment. Besides you lived by yourself for 7 years, you ended up like you are. So, you're fine."
"Really? What if I told you I had a lot of mental issues?"
"Eh, I would be surprised if you didn't have any. It's natural."
"...I guess. So, where is your office?" I should at least know where it is.
"You'll find it." Really? Kind of seems like a lame way of saying for me to just search around the school but okay.
"Right... I've got to leave for the next lesson." I walk away and back to my team... Heh, even now, I still have issues...
"Um, Van?"
"Yes Pyrrha?"
"I'm sorry for using my Semblance." So, it was Pyrrha. Why?
"Why? You've fought me before. You could even just ask me what you wanted."
"That's it. I don't know why. My Semblance activated on it's own. It never does that. I think someone somehow used my Semblance to raise your hand up."
"Possible... Thanks Pyrrha for telling me." I kiss her on the hand again. Pyrrha blushes, but doesn't run away this time. Wow, what an improvement.
"V-Van, why did you do that?"
"Eh, I just wanted to."
"R-really? Just that...?" Pyrrha seems disappointed... is it because I touched her without permission? Shit?
"Eh, uh, did I disappointment you?" I've ruined the friendship, I've ruined the friendship.
"No.....okay you kind of did. So...ever since you kissed me in front of the entire crowd in the arena, I might add. I've been wondering about my feelings and yours. I thought over this for a very long time, so I've come to the conclusion that you, liked me. But apparently not, I guess I was wrong. My feelings won't change at least. We're still friends Van." Did I just get friendzoned? I'm fine with that. I'm kinda worried about relationships, I don't want to lose any of my friends...
"Yeah, we're friends. I forgive you Pyrrha. Wanna fight again sometime?"
"Sure... sometime." We leave... towards the same place, because we have the same class. It was awkward.
~Timeskip due to awkwardness~
It's night time. I think it's time for me to go to Ozpin's office. He said I'd find it...
"Hey guys, I've gotta leave. I wanna do some practice."
"Do what you want Van."
I leave the dorm and... I should probably tell Ruby... where is her dorm anyway?
"Bye guys! I have to practice!"
"Don't mess yourself up Rubes!"
"Take the coffee with you!" Ruby opens the door and leaves. Only to see me. So, Team RWBY lives in the room next to Team VAMP. Cool.
"Hey Ruby, do you know where Ozpin's office is?"
"Well then, I guess we have to search for it."
"Yep!" We look around the academy together for some time... until I realize something...
"You know, Ozpin's office is probably in that tall tower up there."
"Then let's go there!" Yeah.
"Yea-WOAH!" Ruby pulls me along with her to the tower.
"And we're here! What did you think of the ride?"
"We didn't hit anything so I think it's good."
"Great! Let's head up!" Ruby's so optimistic. We spend some time figuring out how to get up until we learn how to get up. We arrive at Ozpin's Office.
"Ah, you're finally here... take a seat."
"Yes!" Ruby goes to sit on a seat. I meanwhile actually take the seat.
"Not like that damnit."
Then I sit on the seat.
"Now...Ruby, Van... do you know the legends of the Silver Eyes?"
"No..." They look at me strangely.
"What? It's not my fault I don't know it..."
"Okay then... in short terms, it's basically a legend about people with Silver Eyes, who are known to be able to kill grimm with a glance, to be a natural leader, to be extraordinary Hunters..."
"You think the legend's true?"
"Yes, because it is. I know it is. After all both of your mothers were very powerful." Just that? My mom's power could just be attributed to her personal power, like her Semblance.
"I'm sorry Ruby, but I don't know where Summer is..."
"...Oh, okay then..." Ruby looked as if she was hoping for a hint, but deep down she knew there wasn't a hint. I know that feeling, on a deeper level.
"Anyway, I called you both here for one your Silver Eyes..."
"So...these do have special powers..." I look towards Ozpin with a serious look on my face...
"Yes, your mothers knew how to use them. And now, I will teach you in their place." Ozpin wants to train us to use our Silver Eyes... killing grimm with a glance would be extremely overpowered. That could help me with my vengeance. Plus, mom and dad probably wanted me to learn how to use my Eyes.
"So, what first?" How do we exactly train using our Eyes?
"I don't know. I can only guess, so here. Look at this grimm. Stare it to death." R-really? Just, just. I might as well just watch a video on the scroll. Maybe mom'll have a video on that. Ruby looks as surprised as I am. Ozpin pulls out a cage with a boarbatusk in it.
"Go stare at it." Ruby and I stare at it. Nothing's happening. It just looks at us back. It sometimes tries to escape the cage but it couldn't.
"Ruby, let's stare into it's eyes. You stare at the left one, I stare at the right one."
"Okay..." I stare at it's beady right eye. There's really nothing to it. Nothing happen agains... Okay, let's try something else. I look at it normally, until I open my eyes wide, staring at it with a death stare. It didn't work. Maybe if I use my Aura... I charge my Aura into my eyes, trying to infuse my eye with it or something. Maybe it'll work? Nope. Maybe if I infuse my line of sight? Nope.
"It's not working."
"..." Ruby keeps staring at it.
"Hmm..... maybe if you gather all your Aura into your Eye?" That could work...but my Aura doesn't recover fast...
"I'll do it!" Ruby starts doing it. We look at her and hope that it works.
"Haaaaaaaah.... hyah!" Ruby stares at it with a glare. The grimm is confused. Maybe if I do it...
"Korya!" Rip Aura. It's not going to recover to full in a week. The grimm is confused again.
"Maybe the basic ability is confusion?" Ruby says.
"I don't think so. I mean, if somebody stared at you, you'd be confused too right?"
"Yeah, I guess..."
"Wait! Let me examine it for a while... you kids can go sleep now. Same time tomorrow." I don't see anything about it. Maybe, it's an internal effect.
"Kay then, bye Ozpin."
"Bye Headmaster!" We wave goodbye at him, while he stares at the grimm. We go down from the tower and slowly walk back to our dorm.
"So.... you think we did something?"
"I don't think so..."
"Me too. By the way Ruby, how do you feel about your team?"
"Oh, they're all cool! Yang is Yang, Weiss is angry a lot, but nice sometimes and Blake reads books! What about you?"
"Well, my team's pretty good. There's Mile and his attitude, who makes everything seem fine and dandy. Makoto who's obsessed with Mile but okay. And Phoenix, who's quiet but a cool guy." Yeah, I love my life as it is.
"Cool! I'm happy that we got good teams!"
"Yeah me too. Good night Ruby, my room's next to yours." I walk past her to where my team's dorm is.
"Good night!" She goes into her dorm room. Heh, this life is turning out pretty good. I go up to my bed quietly to make sure no one is disturbed. Welp, time to sleep... Mom... what are the secrets of this power?

Van cannot get a girl. Because it is physically impossible for him to. Jk, I have a girl planned out for him.

I actually do have a girl planned out for him... if you don't mind the stuff with it... an unrevealed OC by the way. No lemons... for now...

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