part 2

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"so, if my readings are correct,the witch should be in this building. " said Zari.
Was it just Ray or did Zari look super....attractive in her futuristic clothing?
They walked in the building and Ray tried to focus on the job instead of how perfectly Zari's clothes fitted her and how beautiful she looked, not just today ,but always.
Zari felt the weight of his gaze on her, not that she realy minded but felt the need to say something.
"what? Is there something on my face? " she asked.
"what? Oh... No. i was just...nope... Nothing on your face. " he rambled.
Suddenly they heard a footstep behind them. Zari moved her hand towards her totem and turned around but she was too late, she saw a woman that looked exactly how a witch is supposed to look like:white hair,long chin,a zit on her really long nose,a hat and robe and a broom.
Before they could make a move, the witch touched Ray's shoulder and whispered something in a foreign language, probably latin.
Ray's eyes started glowing a bright purple color.Zari touched her totem and blew wind towards the witcg but she'd already gotten on her broom and flown away while doing the evil cackle witches supposedly do.Zari decided to take a raincheck on following her so she could see what had happened to Ray. She turned to Ray,who was on the ground now, convulsing.
"Ray! Ray, wake up. Look at me...c'mon. " Zari started shouting.
Ray stopped convulsing,but he still lay on the ground with his eyes closed.
"c'mon, Ray.what's wrong with you? " Zari checked to see if he was still breathing. He was. Then he suddenly opened his eyes and looked straight into hers.
"oh thank God you're alive. " Zari said in a relieved tone.
"yeah, I'm... Fine. You... Your eyes are so beautiful, Z"
"th.. thank you, I guess?are you feeling alright?I think that witch did something to you.can you get up? "she extended her hand to help him get up.
He took it and stood up.
"you good? " asked Zari.
"Zari, has anyone ever told you how beautiful and smart you are? " asked a wide eyed Ray.
Her stomach twisted,she always liked receiving compliments and getting them from Ray was something else but he
"dude, did you hit your head or something? You're acting weird" said Zari.
"I'm fine, it's just that you're perfect. "
"ok, man cut it're scaring me."
He just kept staring at her lovingly,almost like..... A spell was cast upon him.
"oh, crap. "said Zari after she realized what had happened. she reached for her comms.
"guys, we have a big problem. " said Zari.
"what is it!?" asked Sara over the comms.
"I think Ray's cursed. "
"cursed? What kind of curse? " asked Nate.
"I have  no idea. He's acting like an idiot. "
"well, that's nothing new for Haircut." said Mick.
"alright, send us your coordinates, we'll be right there. " said Sara.
"you got it. "
After a few seconds the waverider was outside the building.

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