part 6

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Zari was laying on her stomach on the bed,reading a book when there was a knock on her door.
"come in. " she said,looking up from the book.
Ray walked into her room.
"hi. "he said.
"hey, how are you doing? " asked Zari.
"I'm fine, thanks to you. May I?" he pointed at the chair.
"sure. And the team did most of the work. "she sat on her bed.
"can I ask you something? " asked Ray. He seemed hesitant.
"are you mad at me? " he asked.
"why would I be mad at you? " she was confused.
"you know, when I was on the spell. Did I offend you at all? "
She loved the fact that he cared so much about other people and their feelings.
"No, didn't. Relax. Anything else? "
"yeah, actually. There's something I've wanted to ask you for quite some time but I wasn't sure if it was the best move. But with that witch putting that spell on me, I think it's appropriate to do it now." Ray was playing with his hands, something he'd do when he was nervous.
"what is it?"  she asked.
"do you... you wanna grab a cup of coffee with me? Or anything, it doesn't have to be coffee, it can be anything like...I dont know a donut or.... " he started rambling.
"yes. " she said with a smile.
"or maybe dinner or we can just take a walk or.... " he was cut off by Zari's lips on his.
He made a surprised noise but didn't pull back. After a few seconds they broke the kiss.
"I said yes,you idiot. " Zari was smiling.
"oh, good. Good. Didn't expect that but, good. Great! " he was also smiling.
This time he kissed her. If only they could stay like that forever.
The end.

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