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"ok, you stay right here. I'm gonna go see if Gideon's found anything on how to fix you. "said Zari.
"I wanna come with you. " Ray got up and stood in front of her.
"no, you don't. Stay here " Zari tried to be firm but couldn't bear to leave him looking like a lost puppy, so she decided to give in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Ray looked like he was on cloud nine.
Zari tried to be gentler with him a bit.
"please stay here. I'll be right back. I promise" said Zari.
"ok, I'll be here, then. " said Ray as he sat on his bed.
"please tell me you have something. " asked an exhausted Zari as she entered the bridge.
"yeah,we might. We think we should find the witch that did this to him. She's the only one who can tell us how to reverse this. " answered Sara.
"great, any idea where we should start? " Asked Zari.
"I have a location. Displaying coordinates now. " said Gideon.
"fantastic,let's go. " Zari started walking towards the doors.
"actually, we thought you might wanna sit this one out. We got this." sara reassured her.
"but why?"
"beacuse,we need someone to babysit Ray and he would make a fuss without you. "
"but.... " Zari started arguing but was cut off by Sara.
"that's an order, Z. "
"ah... Aye aye captain. " she knew she had no choice but to obey her captian's orders.
Zari started walking towards Ray's quarters,not really sure what she was gonna do.
"it's just till the team gets back, after that Ray will be back to his normal self." she tried to comfort herself. Was it really a cmofort knowing that after the spell was lifted, he wouldn't feel about her like that anymore?
She shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind and knocked on the door.
The door opened and she saw that he was still on the bed,hugging his knees.
He looked up and when he saw Zari, got out of the bed excitedly and said "YOU'RE BACK" and pulled her in a tight hug. She was gonna get out of it but she actually really enjoyed the way he held her, his warmth traveling from him to her, and how muscular he really was. So they stayed like that for a few minutes untill they pulled back. 
"damn, you're huggable. "said Zari with a smile.
"thank you. " his smile was genuine.
After a few hours, Gideon announced that the team was back from their mission which was a success,they had captured tge witch.
Zari and Ray walked towards the team.
"ok,Mick.lock her in the brig."ordered Sara.
The witch was cackling while Mick dragged her to the brig.
"ok,who wants to interrogate her?" asked Sara.
"I'll do it. " Zari volunteered.
"No, that's too could get hurt." Ray protested.
"Ray, I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself.
"then it's settled. Z, go break her. "
Zari nodded and headed towards the brig.
The witch was securely locked up in the brig and Gideon had made sure that she couldn't use her magic to get out.
Zari stood in front of her cell.
"So, how do we turn Ray back into normal? " asked Zari.
The witch just stared at her for a few seconds.
"well, I don't know what you're talking about. " the witch's voice was surprisingly soft, like a young woman.
"cut the crap. The love spell you put on Ray. How do we reverse it? " she was getting impatient.
"but why would you wanna reverse it? Aren't you enjoying all the attention he gives you? It's what you've always wanted. Isn't it? "
"what I want is for my friend to be himself, not some mindless puppet. Now tell" she stressed every word.
"oh, is that what he is?just your friend? Well,in that case, I think it's interesting for you to know that the spell only works if the person already has feelings for someone else. In your case, your friend,already had feelings for you. Otherwise, my spell wouldn't have worked. "
Zari was shocked. She hadn't expected that. Not that she hadn't noticed a few stares and looks of admiration every now and then, but she'd always dismissed them as Ray being Ray. If what the witch said was true, then that meant they could have a shot.maybe....
She cleared her mind.
"I'm gonna ask one more time:how do we fix him? "
"oh, you exhaust me. Fine, got a pen a paper?"
The witch gave her a recipe for a potion to fix Ray.
"thanks, I guess. " Zari headed to the bridge with the recipe in her hand.

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