Agust D PART 1

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"You're coming with me tonight right?"
Jimin asked his best friend as they exit the diner after having lunch. One on the way to work, and the other to see his boyfriend, Taehyung who was also a mutual friend. They'd just spent the last few hours at lunch reliving the party they'd attended a few nights before.

"Aiish, yeah I'll come if you'll stop asking! Why do you like this guy so much? I've never even heard of him," Jungkook finally agreed, opening the door for the latter before following him into the street.

"You'll wish you had sooner! He's...great!" Jimin further coaxed his friend into the plans he'd been making in his head for weeks. "He usually plays once a month or so one of those underground shows, I go to every one!"

"Wait, we aren't going to get jumped are we?" Jungkook asked, jokingly.

"It's not that kind of underground Kook," Jimin replied, oblivious to his friends humour. "We'll be fine, just don't wear anything too...revealing." He continued, now teasing the younger himself. Jungkook had a unique fashion sense. He was an attractive guy none the less, and he knew exactly how to show it off, low neck shirts, see through flannels...

"Wait-what?! Why?!"

"I'm kidding! Hey, think Tae would mind dropping us off later? It's on the other end of the city and you said he were going to visit his parents anyways right?" Jimin asked Jungkook, remembering one of conversations they'd had at lunch.

"Yeah shouldn't be a problem, I'll ask when I see him and text you!" Kook replied, confident Tae would have no problem driving them.

"Great! Shit! I gotta run, I'm already late!" Jimin said after checking the time on his phone and running off in the other direction.

Jimin worked as a dance instructor on his off days from classes. He usually worked two days a week, even though he'd have preferred more. But it's good money, and he loves doing it so he decided he'd take what he could get.

The job kind of fell into his lap by chance, and he'd be a fool to turn it down with his prospects of a full time job when school were done. Teaching was his end goal, and if he could get a foot in the door at one of the highest ranked dance studios before he even graduated, that were a plus I his books!


His shift ended, and he walked out onto the street, checking to see if Kook had confirmed their ride.

New message received:

Hey Tae is driving us tonight! We'll come swing by and get you around 7, that okay?

Yeah that's prefect! See you then, tell Tae thanks!

Lol tell him yourself when you see him ;)

"This kid is such a brat" Jimin said to himself, chuckling at his friends stubbornness and putting his phone back in his bag.

It was still 5:30, so he had plenty of time to run home and change for the show. He was pretty energetic from teaching, so he ran half way home before losing his stamina and speed walking the rest of the way.

"Fuck I should run more often," Jimin said to himself, out of breath as he approached his apartment. He wasn't out of shape or anything, in fact quite the opposite. He had to keep a pretty lean and toned physique for classes.

He made his way up to his place, and decided a quick shower were probably a good idea before picking something to wear tonight-black ripped jeans, a fitted black sleeveless button up tee, his favourite leather jacket and some sweet combat boots he'd been meaning to wear since he got them.

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