Agust D PART 2 (M)

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He couldn't just stay and drink with the stranger he'd just met, regardless of him being someone he were incredibly attracted to...could he?

"Or you could stay"

Those 4 words rang through Jimin's mind over and over multiple times in a quick flash as he hesitated to answer. He didn't know what to say to that.


"I mean.. Unless you want to leave," Yoongi carried on, seeing as Jimin hadn't responded yet. He was starting to get the feeling he maybe wasn't into him, and had just been a fan after all.

"No!" Jimin spat out, realizing suddenly he definitely did not want to leave. "I.. Uh, sorry... No I'd rather stay," he apologized for the abrupt response, worried maybe he'd scared him off. He looked at Yoongi with a timid smile, anxiously trying to gauge his thoughts.

Suddenly, Jungkook exit the washroom, stumbling and walking to a table near the wall, causing a loud noise in the distance. Jimin had been too infatuated by Yoongi, he hadn't notice the loud bang but quickly caught on when he realized Yoongi's gaze over his shoulder behind him. He turned to see what he was looking at and sure enough it was Jungkook, causing a scene.

"Oh god.." Jimin mumbled as he realized the situation. He quickly anticipated being embarrassed by Kook in from of the man he clearly had a thing for. He approached the two at the bar.

"Hey, Jimin you comi-oh hey! You're the guy from the stage?!" He said, drunkenly noticing Yoongi next to his friend.

"No, I'm just a figure of your imagination. I'm not even here right now." Yoongi teased, recognizing the boy was clearly inebriated before chuckling to himself and sipping his drink. Jimin noticed Yoongi's sense of humour and giggled. If it hadn't been for his friend being drunk and clearly ready to go home, he'd have chimed in on the teasing.

"Kook lets get you home," he conceded. "Did you call Tae to come get you?"

"Yeah! Wait, y-you're not coming?" He asked, stumbling his words.

"Actually, no. I'm going to stay out with Yoongi," he told his friend, smiling softly before looking back at Yoongi who was smiling as well.

"ouuOuOu Yoooongi, you know his real name!" Jungkook teased embarrassing Jimin slightly. He clearly needing to sleep this off.

"When is Tae going to be here kid," Jimin asked Jungkook, now standing by his side slightly helping him keep his weight up. He looked at Yoongi, and suddenly felt bad. He shouldn't have to deal with this, why would he want to?

"I'm sorry-" he mouthed to Yoongi, trying to laugh but more so feeling guilty for wasting his time.

"It's okay, take care of your friend and come back to me. I'm not going anywhere." He said, smiling at Jimin before turning back toward the bar, signalling the bartender for another drink.

Jimin smiled back giving Yoongi a look of understanding before walking Jungkook up the stairs and out front to wait for Taehyung to pick him up.

"When is he coming?" he asked Jungkook who was now leaning against the brick wall of the building, singing an unrecognizable song. That was until Jimin realized he'd been attempting to sing one of Yoongi's songs.

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