Chapter 2 ➼ 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒹

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Angelina's POV

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Angelina's POV

I start to wake up but I keep my eyes shut. I feel sand beneath me and my legs feel wet. I sit myself on my elbows and open my eyes. The sun sits right above me, shinning right in my eyes. I sit up and cover my face, trying to get my eyes to adjust. After a few minutes I'm able to look around.

I'm sitting on a beach. I stand up quickly once I realize I'm still in my long gown. It's soaking wet. I groan and try my best to wring out the sea water. The breeze coming off the water gives me chills and I'm suddenly regretting my attire. I try my best to keep myself covered as I look around.

As far as I can see to my left and my right sits a long, white beach. Behind me is green and shaded. Some kind of forest I assume. Where am I?

I decide to explore a little bit. I take a step and my heels instantly sink into the sand. I groan and take off my heels with one hand while the other holds my gown up. The wind picks up and my hair is whipped into my face. I probably look ridiculous. My curled  hair is probably comparable to a rat's nest, my makeup is probably all over my face and my wet and sand-covered gown probably won't cut me any slack.

The last person I saw said he was Peter Pan. Wait. Am I actually in Neverland? I chuckle to myself at the thought. But yet again my mother and father are story book characters too.

Oh my god. My parents. They must be worried sick. Well, if they even know I'm missing. Why did he take me? I'm assuming Peter Pan is the one who is responsible for this. Does he even know who I am? I hope not. Ever since I was little I was told to not step foot outside of our palace walls. My mother has made many enemies in her past days as the Evil Queen and she and my father both believe that it is in my best interest to not meet any of these enemies.

"Ah, you're awake."

I turn around quickly. A boy stands infront of me.

"Who are you?" I take a step back into the ocean waters.

"Pan's right hand man."

I stare at this boy, He couldn't be much older than 17. His hood was pulled up but I can see the blond hair sticking out.

"How old are you?"

"I don't know. It doesn't matter. You need to come with me."


"Pan is expecting you."

"He brought me here, right?"


I nod, looking around for somewhere to get away.

"Running won't help your case."

I look at him confused.

He chuckles, "you're not the only one that Pan has brought here."

I really wish I had a knife or my bow right about now, then I could get away. But I can't let them know who I am if they don't already know.

"What's your name?" I ask him.


"I'm Angelina."

"Pan is waiting at camp."

I nod, following him into the dark forest. My heels sinking into the mud. We walk for what seems like forever until I can't take the pain that the heels are causing. "Can we take a break?" I lean against a tree and take off my shoes.

"We're not far," Felix keeps walking away from me.

"Just give me a minute, these shoes are hurting my feet."

Felix turns around and chuckles at the heels in my hand. "Didn't come prepared, huh?"

I glare at him. "Well I wasn't expecting to come here." I hurry to keep up with him and step on something sharp.

"Fuck!" I lean against a tree and look at my foot. I pull out the tip of a broken arrow.

"Here." Felix turns to me and hands me his boots.

I just look at him.

"Well do you want that to get infected or not?"

I shake my head and take the boots. "Thanks."

"We can clean it up at camp."

We walk a little further until I can hear voices.

We emerge from the trees into a large, circular, open area covered in dirt. There are boys running around everywhere, playing or fighting with weapons. The entire area is outlined in thick trees, making it nearly invisible to trespassers, if this place has any of those. About 12 tents line the left side while a camp fire and sitting logs are to the right. Straight back is a path that leads to something I cannot see.

"Ah, you found her."

I look to the left, where Peter Pan emerges from the last tent on the left.

"Felix, you are dismissed."

"Yes, Pan." Felix walks away and joins the rest of the boys.

"Come, lets talk." Peter Pan ushers me into the tent he just emerged from.

I look at him skeptically and finally enter the tent. I sit on a chair in the tent and take off Felix's boots, blood dripping off my foot. "You got a band-aid?"

Peter Pan squats by my foot, waves his hand over my foot and goes to sit on the bed.

I look at the bottom of my foot and see nothing. No cut. No blood. Nothing.


"You have magic?" I ask.

He nods.

"Any reason that I'm here?"

"Join the boys, I'll be out shortly."

"In a soaked and dirty ballgown?" I question him.

"I'll give you clothes later."

"And a place to shower?" I push.


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