Chapter 5 ➼ 𝓅𝑒𝓉𝑒𝓇

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Angelina's POV

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Angelina's POV

I wake up to a pounding headache. I groan and sit up, just the motion itself makes the pain worse and I fall back onto the bed. I hold my head and clench my eyes shut.

What happened?

Oh right, Peter Pan tried to kiss me and I fell into the water. I don't remember coming back up out of the water though. I don't know why I backed away though. It's like something inside of me was telling me to kiss the boy sitting in front of me.

Outside, I can hear the lost boys yelling and laughing. That made my head hurt worse.


I open my eyes, squinting at whoever is in my  tent. Felix.

"Oh good you're awake. I'll go get Pan." He turns and leaves just as fast as he came in.

Within seconds Peter Pan bursts through the opening of the tent and is at my side.

"Ang? How are you feeling?" 

"Like I got hit in the head with a boulder." I hold my head.

Peter Pan flicks his wrist and the candles in the tent dim. "Looks like you've got a concussion."

I turn my head away as I sneeze a few times. Peter Pan feels my forehead. "And possibly the flu."

"Seriously??" I groan. 

"You're gonna have to stay in bed for a while."

"Nooooo" I groan again.

"Sorry love."

"Can I at least take a shower?"

"Can you stand?"

"Yes" I roll my eyes. I dunno why he's so worried about me. I stand and immediately become dizzy, my knees buckle out from under me. Peter Pan catches me and gives me the 'I told you so' look.  "C'mon, please. I haven't showered since I've been here and I probably smell like sea water."

"I might have to hold you up."

My eyes go wide and he starts laughing.

"Darling, I'll give you a bathing suit to put on. Or you could go naked."

"Bathing suit please."

Peter Pan snaps his fingers and suddenly my clothes are gone and in their place is a small black bikini.


"What? I might as well have some fun."

"This isn't funny."

"It's the only way you can get a shower without falling over."

"And where is the shower?"

"Through that door," Peter Pan points to the door in the back of the tent. I never even noticed that it was there.

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