Chapter 29 ➼ 𝑔𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓃

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AN : Angelina's outfit is up top

AN : Angelina's outfit is up top

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Angelina's POV

I sit on Peter's lap against the couch listening as the town bounces ideas around about how to stop Zelena.

"She still has Rumple!" Belle cries. "He needs to be our first priority." Sudden feelings of guilt wash over me as Ruby and I make eye contact. We were able to save Peter but didn't have enough time to save the other hostage too.

"Rumplestilskin didn't want to be saved." Nick spoke up, "we tried to when we found them but he told us to get Peter first. He knew that Peter needed to be our priority."

"Well then knowing him, the man probably has a plan." My mom spoke up from the kitchen.

"Then all we can do now is strengthen our team. I have a feeling this is going to come to another battle." Charming speaks up who looks to my father. Dad nods in agreement. "You and I can take a team out into the woods to prepare physically for battle."

"Great," my mother claps her hands together before placing a hand on my shoulders, "because you need to show me what you can do with your magic. But first, I need to drop off this protection spell to Snow and Charming's place to protect the baby from Zelena."

"I'll come with you," I grin at her before kissing Peter goodbye.

I follow my mother to the car and slip in as she turns to me, "I can't even tell you how nice it is that you're home with us again."

I smile, resting my hand on hers. "Me too mom." She drives to Snow's apartment and I follow her up the stairs, slipping through the door.

"Okay, so it looks like 'take screws E with washers D, through bar C using wrench F, which is," Emma digs through the pile on the floor as she sighs, "not provided."

"Why don't we just call Marco?" Snow suggests from the rocking chair. "He's really good at this sort of thing," the woman rubs her pregnant belly.

Angelina smirks, walking into the room as she waves her hand over the pile of crib materials. The pile turns into the crib with a simple puff of green smoke. "Or you can just call us."

Snow sighs, "ever since the showdown with Zelena, Ang and Regina, the public hasn't seen Zelena or Rumplestilskin. Shouldn't we be focusing on that?"

"But we also need to live," her daughter sighs as she stands and brushes the wood soot off her pants.

"This crib is a statement, we're not going to loose another baby," Charming stands, pressing a kiss to his wife's forehead.

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