Chapter 28 ➼ 𝑒𝓂𝓅𝒾𝓇𝑒

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AN : Angelina's outfit for Granny's is up top

AN : Angelina's outfit for Granny's is up top

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Angelina's POV

I groggily open my eyes to find Ruby shaking my shoulder. "Ang, get up." I rub my eyes and glance around the waiting room. I stretch my arms and roll my shoulders, suddenly feeling the discomfort of sleeping in a chair.

"What's wrong?"

Ruby smiles and pulls me to stand next to her. "He's awake. And he's asking for you."

My eyes widen and without another second I take off running down the hospital hallway, pulling Ruby behind me.

After we helped Peter out of Zelena's hold, Peter collapsed. Emma and my father insisted that we take him to the hospital to get him checked out. The doctors wouldn't let anyone in the room while they stabilized him so Ruby, Nick and I stayed at the hospital while my parents, Emma and Charming stayed behind to figure out Zelena's plan.

I come to a halt in front of room 320. The room that Peter's in.

Ruby stands beside me and grabs my hand. "Go," she grins.

"I'm scared." I whisper, staring at the sliding glass door.

"Angelina," Ruby places both hands on my shoulders. "You got him back, take the win."

"That's the problem. I've lost him so many times and every time that I get him back, something worse happens. It's like the universe is pulling us apart."

Ruby narrows her eyes. "Not the universe, Zelena. She was the one who ripped you from Neverland and wiped your memories of him. She was the one who put you back in that castle in the Enchanted Forrest, played 'dress up' with your family and made you forget me. Your best friend. And she was the one who pulled you back to Storybrooke and took Peter as her minion bitch."

I chuckle at her choice of words while she wipes a stray tear from my face.

Ruby places both hands on my shoulders. "Ang, you will be happy if it is the absolute last thing that I do on this Earth."

I throw my arms around her. "I love you, Rubs."

"I love you too."

We stand like that for a few minutes until I pull away and wipe my face. "Do I look okay?"

"Perfect. Now go get your man."

I slowly enter the room and stop in my tracks. I smile as I find Nick sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed. Nick turns to me and smiles, "he's been waiting for you."

I nod as Nick stands and squeezes me shoulder before wrapping an arm around Ruby. The two smile at each other as they lean against the wall.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before slowly walking over to Peter. His eyes are shut and he looks so worn out and beaten down. Both wrists are covered in dried blood and bruises as are his arms and legs. Bandages cover both wrists and a few wounds on his legs.

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