Chapter 34 ➼ 𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝓊𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒

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Angelina's POV

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Angelina's POV

Throughout the night into the next morning, the four of us scour the forest in search of Snow. I slow my pace, bracing my body against the bark of a tree when my eyes lay upon a cloaked women cautiously emerging from a cave. My eyes widen as I stop Emma from moving any further. The blonde's eyes widen at the sight of her mother as she peers over my shoulder.

Snow covers her face with her hood, securing the bag onto her back as she begins her journey through the forest which is cut short as she walks right into a trap.

The woman flies through the air, letting out a startled yell, as she's caught in a net.

I almost jump forward to help the woman, but a familiar voice stops me.

"I told you I'd find you," Charming laughs as he emerges from the wood. "No matter what you do, I will always find you."

"Is this the only way you can catch a woman?" Snow asks sarcastically as she tilts her head, her fingers gripping the netting. "By entrapping her?"

"It's the only way to catch a thieving scum," Charming responds, throwing as much sarcasm her way as she did his as he crosses his arms over his chest.

Snow lets out a noise of annoyance as she smirks, saying, "Aren't you a real prince charming?"

"I have a name you know," The prince responds.

"Don't care," Snow responds with a wave of the hand. "Charming suits you. Now cut me down, Charming."

"I'll release you when you return the leather pouch you stole with my jewels."

Snow tilts her head again, pondering the man's request before she ways, "Not the jewelry type."

"Indeed, I noticed," The man replies.

"What is that supposed to mean? Are you insulting me?" Snow White throws at the man.

Charming laughs, kicking the dirt with his boots as he says, "My apologies, how dare I throw dispersion at the person who robbed me. Where are my jewels?"

"I sold them," Snow says with a shrug, making me snicker behind my hand. I had been told the story several times of how Snow and Charming met, but had never imagined Snow to be this savage.

"What?" Charming gasps, growing increasingly angry.

"What do you care? Don't you have a palace full of treasure somewhere?"

"These were special," Charming says, moving closer to the dangling woman. "Among them was a ring that belonged to my mother, the ring that I was about to give to - "

Snow laughs, cutting the prince off as she asks, "The nag with the bad attitude? That's what this is about?"

"She's my fiancee," Charming argues.

Snow's mouth drops into a wide smirk as she raises her hand in surrender. "Good luck with that. You must be getting something impressive to agree to that union."

"Excuse me?"

"I know how this works!" Snow exclaims. "True love? It doesn't exist. It's all arranged marriages and business transactions. There's no such thing as love at first sight! Or first kiss! Let me guess, her kingdom wants to take over yours, and this is your last effort to avoid war?"

"This is not a take over. It's a merger and quite frankly, it's none of your business. Now this is what's going to happen, I'm going to cut you down, and you will take me to whoever has my jewels, and then you're going to get my ring back."

"Why would I do that?"

Charming grins, hidden to both Emma and I who face the prince's back. "Because you don't want me to tell anyone who you really are, Snow White." The woman freezes. "Help me get my ring back or I turn you over to the Queen's forces. And I have a feeling that the Queen isn't as charming as I am."

The woman thinks for a moment, weighing her options before she ways, "Well, I wouldn't want to stand in the way of you getting true love."

Charming pulls his sword from his hip before slashing the rope holding the woman in the air. Snow lets out a yelp as she drops to the ground. She scowls at the prince before brushing herself off and following him into the forest.

Once the two disappear from sight, Emma moves into the open, pulling the storybook from her bag. I watch from her side as she flips it open, the empty pages slowly revealing the story behind Snow White and Prince Charming.

"We did it!" Emma exclaims as I follow her into the Dark One's castle. Peter and Killian follow behind me.

Rumpelstiltskin stands before a table, leaning over the ingredients to a spell as he looks up, saying, "Your parents are back together?"

"They're right back on track and we're ready to go," Emma says, standing before the wizard. "So how's the portal coming? Can you open it?"

"I cannot," he says simply, as I furrow my brows.

"Well then what are you working on?" I ask as the wizard holds a glass bottle in his hands.

He grins as he says, "Oh, this is for me. A forgetting potion as I know too much about my future. The only way to protect it is to forget it."

"Uncle, please," Peter protests. "What about the wand?"

"As it turns out, only those planning to use the portal can open it. So unless you can wield magic - "

"We can," Peter says, taking my hand as he cuts off his uncle.

Rumpelstiltskin pauses, glancing in between us as he asks, "But is your magic powerful enough to open a portal?"

"Let's find out," I says, squeezing Peter's hand in mine.

Peter and I stand hand in hand in the middle of the forest. The wand from Rumpelstiltskin rests in between our palms as Emma and Killian stand anxiously behind us.

"Ready to go?" Peter asks, smiling as her looks over at me.

I shake my head as I say, "As I'll ever be."

I open my eyes, feeling Peter's hand still clenched in mine, before finding Zelena's barn sitting before us.

"You guys did it!" Emma gasps, letting go of my arm.

"Did you doubt us?" I ask as I send a smirk over my shoulder to the girl before the four of us dash back into town.

AN: super short but you guys deserved an update <3

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