Chapter 26 ➼ 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓈𝑜 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈

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Angelina's POV

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Angelina's POV

I stand on the side of an old dirt road. I glance down and find myself dressed in all black. Black leggings, a tight black tank top and a black zip up. I wear black heels on my feet. The heels don't shock me anymore. I've grown quite fond of the shoes now that I'm not trudging through the muddy paths of Neverland everyday.

Across the grass, sits a small green house. I tuck myself behind a tree as no other than Zelena exits the house, quickly looking around before she uses a spell to teleport herself somewhere else. I quickly step around the tree and dart across the grass. My heels not slowing me down. I run up the small set of steps, two at a time and stand on the porch before clutch the door knob. I glance around once more to make sure that I'm not being watched by one of my aunt's monkey minions. I close my eyes and imagine the door unlocking, and just like that it does. I push the wooden door open and enter a kitchen. The room is small and is lined with old cabinets and counter tops that look as if they haven't been updated in a long time. Almost as if this isn't Zelena's primary home. A small table sits off to the right  and there's several dirty dishes in the sink. The paint looks like it's peeling off of the walls and the floor is covered in a mix of mud and dirt.

I venture off further into the house. There's a living area just about the same size as the kitchen that holds a large couch, a unused fireplace and a old wooden coffee table. This room is just as dirty as the kitchen. The fireplace hasn't been cleaned out in what seems like ages and is covered in soot. I'm careful to look through the soot and not get anything on my clothing to find several burnt papers in the pile. The papers are too burnt to salvage so I move on. There's a long hallway that leads to a single bathroom and a bedroom. The bedroom looks like it's barely been occupied and can easily be called the cleanest room in the house. The large bed is made and I don't see anything sitting out for me to look through. I pull open a drawer on the night stand and find a journal. I sit on the floor and flip through it. The dates in the journal date back to before I was born.

I don't even know my sister and I already hate her. I know everything. I know my real mother and that she gave me up. Alice says she did it to hide the shame she felt towards me. Regina has the life that I always wanted. I know that Regina lives in a castle while I live in the dirts of the village. I saw my real mother walking through the village once. I plan to approach her and tell her everything that I know. Maybe then she'll love me again.

I close the journal in confusion and slide it back into it's drawer. I walk back into the kitchen and glance at the pile of dishes in the sink. There's much too many dishes to be used by one person. I glance around and find a door tucked next to the refrigerator. I walk over to the door and pull it open to find a pantry. I slam the door shut and groan. If this really is Zelena's house then there has to be some sort of information about why she's here in Storybrooke.

I pace around the house and end up in the bedroom when a car pulls up. I glance out the window and see Zelena unloading boxes from a car. I press myself up against the wall by the window and steady my breathing before peaking around the window. She shuts the door and walks towards the house with a key in her hand. At the same time that she unlocks the door, I slide the window open and slip outside. When she shuts the door I close the window and take off running.

To where? I don't know. I don't even know how I got here. This must be another vision or a dream.


I freeze as the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I slowly turn around to find Peter. Well, a vision of Peter. The body standing in front of me is partially see-through. Now I know this is a dream.

"Peter?" I step forward, hesitant of the witch returning.

"She can't see you," Peter grins at my expression.

"You're real?"

"Sort of. She's been holding my uncle and I captive. She's putting something in our food to restrict our magic so Rumple's been dumping the food when she can't see us to gain our strength back and so I could reach out to you."

"Where has she been keeping you?" I press on, reaching out to touch him. My arm slides right through his body.

"I don't have much time. Rumple is channeling me to do this and we're going to run out of strength soon. Angelina, I've heard her talking. She's planning something big, and she wants your heart for it."

"For what? Peter, tell me."

"She's planning a time traveling spell."

"Is that even possible?" I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"It shouldn't be, but she found a loophole." Peter sighs. "She wants to go back to before your mother was born. Your grandmother gave Zelena up when she was born to hide her shame of having a child out of wedlock. Cora would do anything to keep her name pure so she could work her way up through the palace. Once your mother was born she was sure Regina would marry the King once she was old enough. Cora killed your mother's first love when she was of age for marriage. She made sure that the King would be coming through the village, looking for a bride when she spelled a disaster to happen. She made sure that your mother saved the King's daughter. He was so happy that he proposed."

I nod stepping closer to Peter. "I know this story. She married him and then cast the  first curse when the King died. The curse that created Storybrooke. That's where she met my father and had me."

Peter nods. "Zelena wants to stop Cora from giving her up, which would prevent your mother's birth."

"And me."

"Yes. Now, she needs symbolic magic to complete the spell. She needs a symbol of wisdom, courage, love and a symbol of innocence."

"She needed my heart for this?"

Peter nods again, "your heart would symbol our love."

"How do we stop her?"

Peter's body visually grows weak. His eyes clutch closed and he lets out a shaky breath. "We're out of time."

"No!" I cry, "tell me how to save you." I reach for him again only for my fingers to slide past him.

Peter cracks a weak smile. "I can feel you. It feels nice to be able to feel you again, Angelina. You know where I am now. Come for me. Remember that I love you."

With that, Peter is gone and I wake up quickly in my bed, clutching my chest. I let out a shaky breath and look to my left to find Nick sound asleep. I slip out of bed and slip into the living room. I grab a pencil and paper and begin drawing the house that I saw in my dream.

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