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So I wanna tell you that I suck at writing drama's but it's kind of ironic due to the fact that my life itself is drama....so...I also love how cheesy Richie get's when he is in love. No, you do not end up dating Richie until Eddie comes back to you, you only love Richie as a friend,  also I am going to make more stories with characters x readers, so yeah...enjoy.





I couldn't help but try and choke back tears every time I looked at Eddie, he didn't look at me at all after the whole incident. We all went to Eddie's house and tried to explain what had happened to his mother, 'here we go' I thought as we knocked on the door, she came out and right when she saw Eddie she grabbed his arm and pulled him towards her, "you, you did this," she said pointing at all of us, she grabbed the back of his neck lightly and dragged him towards her car, "you know how delicate he is," she said, "we were attacked M-m-Mrs. k," Bill tried to explain, "No," she said while shoving Eddie into the car, "don't," she said, "don't you blame anyone else," she said through gridded teeth, she then slammed the door shut, she grabbed out her keys but dropped them on the ground, "let me help," Beverly tried to help her pick up her keys, "No, get back," Mrs. K said putting her hand in front of Beverly to block her way, she grabbed her keys and got right in Beverly's face, "Oh I've heard about you miss Marsh, and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son," She spat in Beverly's face, I walked between the two glaring at Mrs. K, she glared back, "And you miss Bowers, I know who you are, you don't deserve to even be a part of this community, your nasty and you are not welcome near me or my son ever," she whispered to me, my eyes widened when I was able to prosses what she had just said, Eddie glanced at me, 'I'm so sorry, I love you' Eddie mouthed to me, 'I love you too' I mouthed back to him, Mrs. K pushed me back a little and started looking through her purse, "Mrs.K I s-s-swear," Bill started but she cut him off, "NO, You are all monsters," she snapped at us, Richie came up and put his hands on my shoulders, I looked at him and he looked at me in symapthy, "All of you, and Eddie is done with you, do you hear? DONE!" she said, she then walked to her car and got in, she closed her car door and drove away, we all walked up into the street a little and watched as Eddie Kaspbrak was taken away from us, Bill turned to us, "I saw the well, w-w-w-we know where it is, and next time, we'll be better prepared," Bill said as if nothing happened, "NO," Stan shouted getting everyone's attention, "No 'next time' Bill," he said, "You're insane," he said, his voice cracking every once in a while, "Why? We all know nobody else is going to do anything," Beverly said in Bill's defense, "Eddie was nearly killed," Richie said pointing to where the car had driven off to, "And look at this motherfucker, he's leaking hamburger helper," Richie said pointing to Ben, "We can't pretend it's going to go away, Ben, you said it yourself, it comes back every 27 years," Beverly said, "Fine," Ben replied, "I'll be 40 and far away from here," He said, "I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too," Ben said, "Because I want to run towards something, not away," she defended herself, "I'm sorry, who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Richie asked, Beverly gave him 'the finger', "Richie..." Stan said, "I'm just saying, let's face facts, real world, Georgie is dead, stop trying to get us killed too," Richie said grabbing my hand and starting to walk away, "Georgie's not dead," Bill said stopping Richie, Richie let go of my hand and let me back away a bit before it got too serious, "You couldn't save him, but you can save yourself," Richie said grabbing my hand again, "No, t-t-t-take it back, your scared and we all are, but take it back," Bill said pushing Richie backwards making me fall to the ground, Richie helped me up and pushed me a little to the side so I wouldn't get hurt, "Richie..." I whispered, Stan put his hands on my shoulders, "Stay back (Y/N, Richie doesn't want you to get hurt and neither do we," Stan whispered to me, Richie walked up and pushed Bill back, Bill grabbed the collar of Richie's shirt and raised his fist to his face making contact with Richie's cheek, Richie stumbled backwards from the impact, "Bill," Beverly shouted, Richie still got up instantly, he started to go after Bill until Mike and Stan grabbed him, Bill went after Richie and Ben and I grabbed him, we kept trying to pull them away from each other, "Your just a bunch of losers," Richie yelled at all of us, "Richie just..." Mike tried to say as he was pulling Richie away from Bill, "Your just a bunch of losers and you'll get yourself killed if you..." Richie started, "Stop," Beverly yelled getting our attention, we all looked at her for an answer, Richie pushed Stan and Mike off of him and grabbed my hand pulling me away from Bill, he pulled me into his chest and held me close keeping me away from any harm that could come to me, he was being so protective of me and it was sweet but it sorta scared me, he was never really like this, "This is what IT wants," Beverly said, "It wants to devide us," she continued, "We were all together when we heard IT, that's why we're still alive," she finished, "yeah? Well I'd like to keep it that way," Richie said pulling me over to his bike, Stan followed us, then Ben, and finally Mike decided to leave, "Mike," Beverly called out, "guys, I can't do this," he said, "My grandad was right, I'm an outsider, gotta stay that way," Mike said walking to his bike leaving Bill and Beverly alone, I hopped on the back of Richie's seat and put my arms around his waist so I wouldn't fall off and then we rode home. 

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