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So you just got to the well-house and you are about to kick some demon clown ass. 





We all finally arrived at the well-house, we dropped our bikes and headed towards the house, Eddie threw his fannypack somewhere of the unknown, he looked over to me, and he reached for my hand, I was scared that if we went back in this house that IT would get Eddie again so I held his hand and stayed as close as possible, "I love you, Eddie," I whispered to him, "I love you more," he whispered back, "Impossible," I said to him, he giggled at me and I giggled right back, we exchanged smiles and waited for everyone to be prepaired to enter the crack head house. As we all got our weapons ready Richie found a beer bottle, he tried smashing it to make a weapon but failed, everyone looked at him and he threw it to the side, he scratched his neck nervously while looking at me, I giggled at how much of a dork he is, "You tried Rich," I said trying to make him feel better, he nodded a little,  what we didn't know was that my psycho brother was there and watched as we entered the house. Bill led the way as we walked into the house, Eddie and I still latched onto each other like glue, Bill had a flashlight and we followed him because he was the only one that really knew where the well was, Eddie suddenly stopped causing me to stop as well, "Stan?" Eddie asked, Bill, came a bit closer, "Stan we all have to go, B-b-Beverly was right, if we split up like last time, the clown will kill us one by one," Bill said to Stan, Stan looked at the ground and back up at us, "I-i-If we stick together, a-a-all of us," Bill said with his slight stutter, "W-w-we'll win, I promise," he said to Stan, Stan nodded and walked into the house slowly, I moved over to him still holding Eddie's hand, "It's going to be okay Stan, we all have your back," I whispered to him, he smiled at me and continued to walk. We all walked down the creepy ass stairs and saw the well that Bill had told us about, we all walked up to it, "Hey, Eddie, got a quarter?" Richie asked trying to lighten the mood, "I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing," Eddie replied, "I don't think anyone would," I added, we pointed the flashlights we had down the well and tried to see how steep it was, we couldn't see the bottom of the fucking thing, "Wow, I can't even see the bottom of it," I said in amazement, "Thanks for pointing that out captain obvious," Richie said, "shut the fuck up Trashmouth," I snapped back at him, "Being a Trashmouth, shuting up, is not easy," he said to me, I scoffed at him, I loved this dork as if he were my brother, "Beverly," Ben called out, we heard the echo of his voice, "how are we supposed to get down there?" Mike asked, Bill looked around for something, he grabbed a rope he found laying on the ground, he brought it over to us and threw it down,  he then tied it to one of the random poles near the well, Mike pulled on it to make sure it was safe, once we knew it was secure Bill went down the rope, then Eddie, after Eddie was Richie, followed by Stan and Ben, Mike and I were deciding who goes last.

 Beverly's POV


I felt the feeling of cold go through my body causing me to shiver, I felt something dripping on my face, I slowly opened my eyes to find myself on the ground of a sewer like area, I sat myself up and looked at my surroundings, I stood up fully and looked around trying to get a better understanding of where I was and how I got here, I remembered killing my dad and after that, nothing, IT probably got me, that was my only theory, I honestly wished that I would wake up and find out that all of this was just a crazy nightmare, I stumbled a bit as I tried to hold myself up, I couldn't hold myself very well so I grabbed onto something near me to hold my weight up, I finally grew my balance back and stood up completely, I looked around even more, when I thought I finally had gained my balance I fell over once again, I fell into a gigantic puddle, I saw my reflection, 'I look horrible' I thought, I slowly looked up and saw a huge sign in front of my that had the words 'Pennywise, the dancing clown' written on it, I slowly then looked up and saw what I never thought could be possible. All the kids that had gone missing were right above my fucking head, I wasn't sure that what I was seeing was real, all of those poor missing kids were floating in the air with no support from anything, they all looked to be lifeless, I looked for an escape, I found a weird door looking thing, I ran over to it and tried opening it but it didn't budge, I was locked in, I wasn't getting out so easily, I had to find another way out. I wasn't gonna stay in here I was going to get out, I was pulling on the door and trying to pry it open, but it didn't work, "Step right up Beverly, step right up," I heard a voice say to me, I turned around to see what it was, "Come change, come cold, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll cheer, you'll die," it said starting to die out before it said the words 'you'll die' I finally saw that it was a jack-in-the-box, it's handle was turning slowly and I watched as it was turned just waiting for it to pop out of its box, it came back on, "Introducing pennywise, the dancing clown," the voice said, it started laughing and the handle was spinning faster, but it suddenly came to a stop and the small clown inside the box popped out, I didn't do anything, I just looked at it, the big sign that I had seen when I first opened my eyes fell to the ground and became a stage, just then a few fireworks blew and I jumped from the sudden noise, I watched as a clown appeared and started dancing to the, what seemed like reavearsed carnaval music that was coming from the stage. 

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