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Ariana POV

I'm late! I can't believe I'm late!

Today was one of the most important days of my life and of corse I have already screwed things up by being late.

I quickly got in my car and drove down to my studios.

I wish I didn't take so long getting ready.

Today I had a huge meeting that was for my new album coming out called My Everything . We were closing all the songs that should and should not go on that album.

As I drove impatiently my new single Problem came on the radio.

I decided to sing along to calm down my nerves

I pulled into the parking lot and looked for my reserved spot. Right next to Scooter's car.

I did some quick touch ups in my car before I got out of my car.

I nervously entered the building. Since I was late I'm pretty sure I was going to be chastised.

"Please don't be in trouble please don't be in trouble" I repeated in my head

"Hello Miss Grande they are waiting for you in studio 27." The receptionist said in a monotone voice.

I didn't like this receptionist well her name is Barbra. She was very rude and monotone also she does not know how to do makeup she is one of those ladies that wear way to much makeup. She wears blue eyeshadow and red lipstick. Ya she is one of those ladies. Tara the other receptionist is was better than her she is more bubbly and she give out free lollipops!

I entered to elevator and clicked floor number two.

Right about when the elevator someone started screaming

"WAIT WAIT HOLD THE ELEVATOR!" Screamed the man with the Irish ascent.

I put my hand in front of the elevator door so it would open again.

"Thank you so much! I'm late to one of my meetings" the man spoke out of breathe.

"Oh hello" he smirked

"Miss Ariana Grande we have here." He said.

"Hi?" I asked.

He was creeping me out.

Then I noticed it was Niall. Thee Niall Horan in my mists!

"Conceal don't feel." I whispered

(Frozen reference 😂)

"What?" Niall questioned.

"So what floor are you heading to Niall?"

"Number two" he replied

"Oh great so am I!" I laughed

"So what was with all the concealing and don't feeling?" He asked

" Um I um I just like the phrase!" I replied quickly


The rest of the elevator ride was only like ten seconds but it was so awkward.

Once the elevator dinged I quickly got out and said "bye Niall nice to meet you!"

I turned right to notice Niall also turned right.

"Is he following me?"

25... 26... 27...

I turned right.

"Hey Scooter sorry I'm late time flew by and by the time I noticed... Umm... Hi"

I quickly spoke

"Hello Ariana this is Paul and this is One Direction" Scooter signaled as he introduced them.

"You will be their opening act for them"

My mouth dropped open.

"Wait why?" I asked

"You need to promote your new album and since they are the world's number one boy band you will be forced to work with them."

It suddenly got all silent. This is too much to take in for a day I am working with my favorite boy band!

It was so awkwardly silent.

"I'M HERE I'M HERE!" Niall screamed.

"Niall!" One Direction screamed back.

"So what to you say Ariana?" Scooter asked.

"Sure!" I replied.

"Ok good because I would have forced you anyway." Scooter laughed

"Well now it's time to choose your songs for your album any of you One Direction boys want to help?"

"I will!" Harry screamed and raised his hand like a little child

Than all off the other boys did the same.

We chose all our songs and packed everything up.

It was around 7:00 p.m so I got home and went to bed after a long tedious day.


Sorry for any errors!

Hoped you liked it





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