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Ariana POV

"Woah there mate what got you so fired up" Zayn said.

"Harry calm down!" Louis yelled at Harry.

"We'll I can't calm down Kendall ditched me again! Every single time I plan a very romantic date she cancels or she goes and flirts with other males!" Harry furiously screamed

"Well I think she's a waste of time" I mumbled.

"No one asked for your opinion so shut your damn mouth!" Harry growled at me

Niall pulled me in and embraced me in a hug whispering "it's ok. Sorry he is being a dick."

I was just astonished to see this side of Harry. I knew Harry had anger problems but I didn't think they were this bad. All of the videos and interviews I've watched of One Direction showed Harry being a like a teddy bear.

We'll I don't want to be associate in anything that an asshole has to say or do.

I got out of Niall's hug a walked out to my patio.

"You see what you did Harry!" Liam scolded Harry because if his out brake

After I closed my patio door I decided to sit in the grass and think. I usually do this when I'm frustrated.

I closed my eyes and went into another world.

A world where I was happy. A world where there were no cruel people and everybody loved.

I hear the patio door open and close.

"Ariana?" An Irish voice called.

I tried to block out the voice.

"Ariana?" Niall said again.

I sighed in frustration.

"Yes Niall?"

"I just want to say sorry for Harry."

"Don't worry it's not your fault."

"But I've could've done something."

"Niall we all regret things. I could've done many things that depended on peoples lives, but I didn't. Look at the outcome." I said with a monotone voice.

"What was the outcome?"

"They died." I cried.

Niall hugged me. Saying sorry multiple times. I don't want people to feel sorry for me for some reason it makes me feel even worse. It's just the fact that sorry doesn't change the fact that he's dead. It doesn't change the fact that there is a hole in my heart that can't be filled.

I just miss him.

"Him?" Niall questions

Oh shit did I say that aloud?

"Ya you did say that aloud"

Oh great.

"Well it's a long story Niall"

"I have time"

He clearly didn't get it that I didn't want to tell him.

"Ok sorry it all starts with my ex boyfriend Matthew. Matthew was my best friend and one day he asked me out. I was so happy because I had a crush on him since forever. We went on multiple dates and I fell in love. He didn't. One day I went to my old favorite spots to think me and Matt would go there all the time. That place was special to us he gave me a promise ring there. Later that day I found him m-making out with another girl." I sobbed

"I threw my promise ring and the ground and I ran I ran as fast as I can so he couldn't see me, but he did. I finally got to my house after being chased by Matt. I locked the door before he got in and went to my room and just cried. I forgot I gave him the key to my house because he got in and he told me how sorry he was and he was saying how she kissed him. I didn't forgive him. I tried to walk away from him, but he kept on following me telling me how sorry he was. I reached the front door and told him to leave. He did saying how sorry he was. He drove out and as he drove down my street he got in a car crash. In the wreckage he was very weak. He was so bad he couldn't get to a hospital, and with that he died." I explained to Niall

"Wow I'm sorry"

"So am I."

"I'm really sorry."

"Saying sorry just makes things worse"

"I don't need sympathy I need hope."

With that I got up and went inside my house to find Harry crying and eating my ice cream like a common white girl during a break up. All of the boys except Niall were trying to cheer up Harry, but nothing was working. I decided to help even though he screamed at me.

"Harry it will be ok."

"No it won't Ariana you don't understand she is cheating on me in front of my own eyes!" He sobbed

"Sure I don't know anything" I sarcastically said.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I'm going to take a shower because I would've just woken up if you guys didn't wake me up."

"Someone's cranky" Louis whispered to Liam who was nodding along.

"Well at least I'm not on my man period like Harry over here." I said pointing at Harry who looked up from eating my ice cream.

"Ya you." I said.

With that I went to go take a shower


Hope it didn't suck. (I say that in all chapters)






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