Working together?

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Ariana POV

I woke up around 7 am because of the doorbell ringing for the last ten minutes.

I quickly brushed my teeth so for whoever it is I don't have bad breathe.

I paddled my way down the cold floor. My mom and my brother currently weren't home because they both working and by working I meant they were probably in a different state or a different country so I would probably be all alone for the whole week.

I grabbed my hair brush and brushed my hair on the way down the stairs. I at least want to look semi-decent. For whoever is forcing me to wake up this early.

"Shut up!" I yelled out of irritation at the person that kept on constantly ringing doorbell and now banging on the door.

"Then let us in!" The voice yelled

Us? At that moment I knew who they were. One Direction.

I finally reached the door and opened it.

"Finally! You took forever!" Louis yelled.

"Well sorry I wasn't expecting and guests anytime soon!" I said sassily

"Well someone is sassy today." Zayn said.

" Sorry I just don't wake up at 7 am in the morning. So why are you here?"

"We thought you were lonely because Scooter told us that your mom and brother were not here. Also since we are going on tour together we might as well get to know each other." Liam said.

"That's sweet and all, but you really didn't have to also I have my dogs to talk to me."

"Dogs don't talk!" Niall laughed

"In my world they do." I said with a serous face than started to laugh.

"Well come in guys!"

They all came barging in almost like the scene in the Lion King when the wildebeest run over Simba and Mufasa.

I felt like Simba trying to save my own life forgetting about my dogs running and biting the boys.

Once all the boys were in I noticed someone was missing. Harry.

"Hey where's Harry?"

"He's out with Kendall." Louis said as he rolled his eyes.

"Jenner?" I asked

"Ya that's the one." Zayn mentioned.

"It seems like you guys aren't too fond of her."

"Is it that noticeable?" Liam asked.

"Kinda, why don't you guys like her?"

"She's a bitch!" Louis screamed.

Which earned him a glare from Liam and slaps from Zayn and Niall.

"What is she a bitch?" I asked.

(A/N I don't personally know Kendall and I think she is not a bitch this is just for the story so don't get pissed off at me)

"Because she is!" Louis explained.

"Wow that makes things so clear." I sarcastically said.

"We'll lets get off the topic of Kendall, so what do you guys what to know about me."

"Well we actually don't really need to know anything about you because Niall over here is a obsessive fan of you." Zayn pointed out.

"I am not!" Niall blushed

"Yes you are." Liam said.

"Ok fine I admit it." Niall said as he look down at the group in embarrassment.

My heart started racing so One Direction knew who I was before I met them! Oh my God I might die!

Right at that moment came Harry furiously barging through the door.


Hey guys hoped you liked it sorry for any errors and sorry it kinda sucked it will get better trust me.

So why do you think Harry is angry?






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