Chapter 7

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*Ariana POV*

Louis and I kept on snapping random pictures of each other.

"Louis delete that!" I screamed.

"Nope" He grinned

"Fine!" I opened up twitter and posted one of Louis most embarrassing pictures.

Him with his eye half open and one of his eyes closed laughing historically like a hyena and drool coming out of his mouth because of laughing so much.

My caption was "Louis Tomlinson the hyena"


"Wait one second Ari I have a notification."


"Aww Louis has my tweets set onto notification, does little Louis have a crush on Ariana." I said in a baby voice.

"Little Louis? Do you mean my penis?"

"Ew no! I was just making you sound like a baby you pervert!"

"Liam look this way!" Louis and I said simultaneously.


We quickly snapped multiple pictures of his face with makeup and ran.




I turned around and noticed Liam is chasing after us.

I quickly snapped a picture of him. He looked like an old man that was yelling at teenagers to get off their lawn.

While I was taking the picture my front door opened and smacked me in the face and made me fall to my butt.

"Ow!" I yelled

"Ariana are you ok?" Liam asked me concerned.

Louis and Niall were just laughing

Zayn was over there eating cake and texting someone, not knowing what the hell is going on.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry for hitting with a door Ariana!" The voice said.

I'm assuming it was Harry, but sadly it wasn't.


Wait what?

"Um who's the dude?" Liam asked

"Hello my name is Jai Brooks."

Right then and there my heart stopped.

"J-Jai?" I stuttered

"Ariana I'm sorry. Why are you guys wearing makeup?"

"Oh Ariana put makeup on you guys too."

"Jai why are you here?" I said sternly.

I don't want to keep crying. I don't need him anymore.

"I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I'm sorry for cheating on you. I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry for everything." He said crying on his knees

"Jai you broke me. You embarrassed me and played me. Your lucky I believe in forgiving people."

"So do you forgive me?"

"I forgive you." I grinned

We both hugged while the boys just stood there in shock.

"Ok break up the hug fest." Niall said pushing us apart.

Louis grabbed my arm and took me aside.

"How can you forgive a jerk like him!" Louis angrily whispered.

"Because I'm a forgiving person Louis. If you did something like that I would still forgive you."

" Fine, but I'm keeping an eye on him." Louis said.

"Ok. Don't be so protective Louis. I'm 21 you don't need to worry."

"Ariana I love you."

"Aw thanks Louis I love you too." I smiled.

"Now let's go back before they suspect anything." I said.

"They are already suspecting stuff." He laughed.


(By the way this lines name is burrito)

Ariana POV

It's been two weeks since I forgave Jai. We have three months until touring with One Direction.

Currently Jai and I are sitting on the couch cuddling.

I know what your thinking how can you forgive. First I never stopped loving him. Second I still never stopped loving him. Love is power.

"Ariana I need to ask you something?"


"W-will you be my girlfriend"

"Oh my God yess!!" I yelled as I kissed Jai.

"Hey Ariana you left your door open and Niall sent me here to get his shirt from two weeks ago ohh" Harry said.

"Um hi." I waved awkwardly.

"I'm so sorry Niall just wanted me to get his shirt from when you had the cake fight or whatever that you had without me and he told me-" Harry stammered. I cut him off.

"It's ok the shirt is in my bathroom. In my room."

Harry POV

What the hell was that why is Ariana freaking kissing some guy in front of me! Who the hell is he!

Who ever he is I hate him.

He shouldn't be kissing her I should!

Wait what?

What the hell is wrong with me I have Kendall. She is way more attractive than Ariana.

What the hell is wrong with me.

Why does my heart feel.




Hey so I'm sorry I didn't update. Stupid school. #thestuggle

Btw this story got over 300 views!! Omg I didn't think it would get 300 view! Thank you to everybody reading this!

I'll try to update more often.



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