Chapter Eight

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The restaurant was massive and elegant, ranking at least 4 stars. The tables were perfectly spaced to give each table it's own privacy; the dark wood covered in white table cloths. A large chandelier hung from the ceiling, glistening and sparkling in the light. The floors were made of marble and the walls were painted a crisp creme colour that really brought everything together. All in all it was the most exquisite restaurant I had ever been to. 

A lady with bright red hair suddenly appeared, smiling ear to ear in an almost creepy way. "Hello! Welcome to True Morello, how may I help you today?" the lady had a high pitched voice and almost bounced from one foot to another in excitement. Clearly, she enjoyed her job. "Reservation for Rizzo," Theodore said in a serious voice, his face hard and stoic. It was terrifying to see him like that again, it felt like we were back at work. 

The girls' eyes widened for a second before her smile returned and she asked us to follow her. She led us to a staircase with white railings and a red carpet running down the middle. "The next waiter will take you from here," the girl said, before turning and leaving just like that. I found it odd for a waitress to just leave her customers. I turned back to Theodore confused, only to see the same stoic face. I was conflicted on what I should do, it felt like our date had already been ruined for an unknown reason. 

"Theodore, what's the matter?" I asked quietly, looking up at him, my hand gently grasping his. His eyes met mine and suddenly, his blank face relaxed into a gentle smile. I relaxed immediately as Theodore's' fingers laced with mine and we began to climb the stairs. 

At the top of the stairs stood two big white doors, blocked by two equally large men. The men both pushed the doors open as their eyes landed on Theodore. The room was very long and bright. A very long table ran down the middle of the room with a smaller, less impressive chandelier hanging above it. Every single chair at the table was occupied by a person in formal wear and there had to be at least 30 or so chairs. My eyes widened and I looked at Theodore in complete confusion. 

"What are we doing here? I thought we were on a date?" I asked quietly, slightly hurt that Theodore had lied to me. "We are, I promise. I just need to do some business first," Theodore said as he picked up a pair of headphones from a table to the side. "Here, put these on. We're talking about classified information you can't hear,"Theodore said as he placed the large headphones over my ears. Immediately, everything went dead silent. I didn't say anything, only following Theodore to the last two seats at the massive table. 

It wasn't long before the entire table was in a silent screaming match. I watched as burly men pointed, argued and bickered with each other; the rest of us with headphones on looking at each other in confusion and fear. With every finger that pointed in my direction, an inch of my patience left. By the ninth angry face that faced my direction, I had enough. Angrily, I ripped the headphones off, immediately engulfed by loud, deep yelling. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" I screamed as loud as I could, causing everyone to immediately stop and look at me. I turned away from the table and faced Theodore with an angry face. "Tell me what the fucking problem is so i can solve it and we can go on our fucking date," I demanded, my hands gripping my own hips in utter anger. I had never exploded like that in my life. 

Theodore froze for a second before smiling at me and nodding, "We can't decide how to attack the Tavani Mafia. They're fully guarded, nearly triple the amount of protection compared to normal. The mansion is covered by a thick layer of forest that's almost impossible to navigate. The only plausible way to attack is from above, but that leaves us open and most of the Bosses here don't want to risk it." "What's everyone good for," I asked, turning back to the group of angry men. 

"Guns, numbers, air force, tracking, drugs, money, undercover, and medics," Theodore said, pointing to each man that belonged to that category. "Right, listen, get some men in there to do some undercover work, figure out a schedule, rhythm, pattern what ever. Take a tracker with you, let him learn the forest. They'll expect you to come from above, so make sure the undercovers check out any hidden guns aimed for the sky. Once you got your information, attack from the forest, push them up high. Bring in the air force and wipe the fucker out, mass genocide style. Medics come in after, save who you can, get the information. Tavani will probably be hiding in a safe underground location. Scoop that out too. Good luck, don't get caught, have a great night," I said with the most serious face I could muster.

"Got a question?" I asked, glaring at the men and woman. None answered and mostly just looked around at each other. "Good," I said and with that I grabbed Theodore's hand and stomped out of the room, down the stairs and straight out the door, not even acknowledging the creepily happy waitress. 


Yeah, nah none of what I just wrote was realistic in the slightest but ya know what? It's a damn story, get over it. Talk to me guys, love you. 

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