Shots Fired, Three

11 3 5

Beverly Hills

Nathan seriously believed that Will was A-grade stupid. Not only did he invited a random girl to hang out with them but he also gave her his fucking number!

Will had reassured him that it was his second phone number, the one not for assassinations, but Nathan was anything but reassured. Main phone or not, they could be easily yracked down if they weren't careful with their contacts.

Nathan wanted to strangle his partner to death. Only two things stood between that desire and Will's throat. Will's power, which he liked to call 'Pain killer'. With his power, he wouldn't even feel the knife if Nathan had stabbed him. Frustratingly, he could also re-direct the pain back sevenfolds. Just like what he did to Bobby and so many unfortunate souls before him.

However, according to Will, if he doesn't pass that pent up pain over to someone else quickly, he would re-experience the pain he'd taken until he... Well he didn't dare test that theory.

The second reason was the very first and most important Commandment of the Vorpals: 'Never harm a family member'.

To break the First Commandment was asking for one's head to be served on a silver platter. Ironically, the punishment meant harming a Vorpal.

They stepped out of their swift and silent ride. Their Uber driver, Kyle, had connections with the Chairman so he could be trusted.

They went up the steps of a spacious front porch with a series of tall and impressive marble columns. The manor was a grandiose Greek revival mansion, a place that oozed so much wealth that it could make any proletariat feel like a foot washing slave.

It certainly did so to Nathan. It never fails to do so. It made his 50k feel like five dollars. His phone pinged and snapped him out of his sad thoughts.

VPL Group Chat: Sam, Cherry, Shelly and, surprise2, Matty are already @ the upstairs library :D

"Oh boy, Shelly's here early," Will said with a grin. Everyone knew that Shelly was... a crowd.

Nathan and Will climbed up a grand winding staircase trellised with rose shapes quartz and turned to the right towards the library. Will pushed the doors open for the queen, much to Nathan's ire.

Classical music from hidden speakers floated softly in the cool air-conditioned air. Ancient and vast, the library had ceiling high bookshelves choked full with old tomes and new magazines sidled on either sides of the room.

At the opposite wall was an arching and colorful mosaic French door that led to a small roofed veranda, which oversaw the glistening swimming pool down below.

Two rows of long, trunk thick study tables occupied most of the room, with a huge, in-built marble top round table smacked in the very middle.

The library would've been graceful and calming, if not for the animals wrecking havoc inside.

A pale haired man was standing on top of one of the tables, with a blindfold over his eyes. He had a sharp saber in his hands, and he was swinging it around like a drunk baboon. The man was Gareth Watson.

Three identical asian ladies ran around Gareth's table, calling him names and were cackling like witches with their hands thrown up in the air. The trio of crazy bitches was Shelly, a.k.a Shellah Akmal.

A dark-skinned man who was around their age- twenty-five- was trying to stop the crazy duo but to no avail. He ducked his shaved head, narrowly missing a permanent shaving from Gareth's sword.

Poor Matthew, Nathan thought.

"I'm calling Doreen if you guys don't stop!" He warned. When he got ignored, he simply stormed out of the room.

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