Another Killer, Five

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City Angels University, LA (unedited)

Michelle sat in between her two new but good friends, James and Regina. Regina was a freshman like Michelle, while James was their senior by one year. The three of them shared the same club; CAU Bookworms.

They were at the outside cafeteria, and there were a lot of people. It hasn't even been a month since Michelle had started college but she was already beginning to regret her decision to further her studies. If only she hadn't gotten her scholarship...

Michelle mentally slapped herself. You ungrateful bitch, do you know just how many lives you've destroyed by taking away a single scholarship?

"What's wrong, sis, you look sick," Worry tinged James's voice.

Michelle smiled at her soft, and delicate senior, "I'm fine, James. Just thinking about my education and future and all that. As per usual."

"Girl, you need to loosen up," Regina said, spreading her arms, "We're in university. The last stretch, the final frontier, the end of the line before life gets to fuck us twenty-four seven. You need to start thinking about the more important stuff," She wiggled her eyebrows and eyed the CAU Avengers- a large and mostly male group of football players that dominated two whole long tables a couple of ways away from them.

"Mama needs to get herself one of those," Regina said with a purr. James joined her and the two of them began debating who was hotter: Devin or Vince.

Michelle didn't move away from them when their hands touched hers once in a while. There was no use anyways, she'd seen the pair's past before when they first met. James had a hard life, and Regina was a hard head.

Growing up, Michelle learned not to not give any obvious reactions. She lived to blend in, and not give in.

Will had shattered that determination like it was nothing.

Michelle wanted to avoid thinking about the boys, but now she was powerless to stop the short films of Will's memories play in her head all over again.

She shuddered and panicked inside at the thought of hanging out with a murderer very soon. Even though Will was the victim in so many ways, experiencing his murderous intent had still shook her.

She thought about texting him a "Sorry I can't come" but from what she gathered from Will's, he was a persistent person when his mind was set and she knew that he would bagger her until she gave in.

Calling the authorities wasn't an option either. Michelle didn't have the incriminating physical evidence to prove that Will was actually a danger to society.

Fuck my life, Michelle thought to herself.

A familiar voice pulled Michelle out of her tiring thoughts.

"Michelle, are you done for the day?" Jessy asked. The girl had appeared from behind her and now her head was sticking out in between Michelle and Regina's.

Michelle nodded. She had no more classes for the day and she planned to study in the library later.

Jessy nodded at Regina and James as acknowledgement of their presence and said, "Good, I'll be taking you with me now." She looped her arms around Michelle's armpits and dragged her from her seat to the college front gates.

"I can walk you know?" Michelle asked, but the smile on her face said that she had enjoyed the free ride.

Jessy shook her head, "Nah, I need to burn some calories before I can go to my cousin Geraldine's masquerade party."

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