Blood Spilled, Three.Five

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Port of Los Angeles, San Pedro Bay
(Ten days prior to the emergency meeting)

Jovan Mellington, 46, crane operator, wife killer and daughter raper. His eldest child had sent a request for the Vorpals to assassinate him, and Leah had happily accepted the request.

Jovan had been surprisingly nimble. He'd skillfully zipped through the labyrinthine spaces squeezed in between the sea of colorful cargo containers like an enchanted stray arrow.

Leah and her best-friend, Cassius, chased after him from atop the said large containers, with the speed and agility only well-honed assassins possessed. They were high-skilled killers

Soon, their pursuit led them to a clear space between the sea of containers and the inky night ocean. With no where else to go, Jovan slowly turned to face his impending doom. He was quivering like the string of a used hunter's bow, and it looked like he'd soiled himself.

Leah and Cass leaped down the yellow container they were on and calmly walked towards the freightend Jovan. Leah saw from the corner of her eyes Cass taking out his favourite jagged dagger.

Jovan yelped at the sight of the blade and took a few steps backwards. He shook his head and pleaded, "Please, you don't understand! I never did my family wrong! My son lied to you! Let me go!"

Leah stopped walking and reached out a hand to stop Cass as well. With a game in her mind, she told Jovan, "Alright, prove your innocence to us in the next ten seconds and we'll spare you."

"You can't be serious, right?" Cassius whispered to her with worry, "The fourth commandment, Leah, remember?"

Leah shot him an 'of course' look, then returned her gaze to Jovan, "Your time starts now!" she yelled.

Jovan immediately fumbled at his pockets, and fished out his wallet, "I have a picture of my wife right- uh, I mean, my son," his trembling fingers failed him and he dropped his wallet. He looked at them with a look of pure, primal fear, "I HAVE MONEY! JUST TAKE MY MONEY!"

As expected, Jovan lost his wits and made a run for it. He dashed to his right; the direction closest to next group of containers.

Leah grinned. She reached down to her boots and pulled out her own knife. Then, she activated her power.

Close to the open sea, where the winds were undisturbed and free, she was powerful. Focusing only on the shrinking form of Jovan, she gathered the wild winds to her body. Her light clothes fluttered and her body felt weightless.

In a heartbeat, she closed the distance between her and Jovan. She was the wind, and the wind was her.

She was Zephyr.

She swung her blade in an arc meant to slash open Jovan's throat. It never met it's target though- it had snapped in half instead.

Leah's eyes widened in shock. She swiftly backtracked a good ten steps away before she analyzed the situation.

A pale green force-field had formed around Jovan and it had protected him from Leah's blade.

"You're a gifted?" Leah asked, her body tensing with every passing second.

Jovan's laugh was disturbing. Not only was it a maniacal laugh, it had changed from a deep baritone to a shriller, feminine laugh.

Where Jovan once was, stood a beautiful and tall woman in a flowing red dress. Even when in the shadows of the containers, Leah could make out the woman's sharp features and seductive voluptuous form that could easily qualify her as a beauty pageant winner.

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