28: That Dreaded Holiday

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Before y'all punch me in the head, let me explain why I failed to update last night because I really planned to do so. But basically what had happened was: I was on my way home from school yesterday (yay I finished my first year, only 4 more to go!) and my brother was talking to me about Infinity War. He was practically spoiling it for me (I hadn't seen it bc uconn is in the middle of nowhere so the nearest theater is like twenty minutes away driving) so obviously i had to go see it upon my arrival home. But the friend I wanted to see it with has finals today, tomorrow and Wednesday, and I return to work on Thursday, so we didn't have time. Alas, we went last night at 7PM as soon as I dropped all my things off at home. Then I spent the night at her school because it was late. But yeah, here's the update; it's a long one.

Can we get to 400 votes? :) I'll update when we hit 400. If not, expect an update on Thursday :)

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Dominic cheers as he envelops me in a tight hug. He doesn't even allow me to wrap my arms around him and instead, he scoops me up and swings me around a little. He leaves a quick kiss on my forehead, which fills my body with warmth.

I look up at him with a growing smile. "Happy Valentine's Day," I respond back tiredly. He tangles our fingers together and swings them between us as he drags me to the dining hall. I don't want to tell him it's too early to be this cheerful. Seeing him happy makes me happy so I don't complain.

"I wish we could move the holiday to tomorrow," he explains. "With class and everything, it puts a block on what we can and can't do."

"We can always skip," I suggest, which earns a turned head from him.

"Don't you have a math quiz?" he inquires.

"Yes..." I trail as I tilt my head back challengingly. "So?"

"So you need to be there for that," he retorts with an eye roll.

"We get out early enough to have lunch," I shrug with a small pout. I wish I could just take him up to my room and cuddle with him. I may have just woken up but I need a nap.

"I know. I planned lunch," he responds informatively.

"Are we exchanging gifts during lunch?" I ask, feeling a little nervous. My gift might be a little...much.

"Do you want to exchange them during lunch?" he questions.

"No..." I trail. I want to do it privately and at the end of the night so I won't be forced to sit there if things get awkward.

"Okay then we can do it before the party," he responds.

"Can we do it after the party?" I request and he gives me a slightly furrowed brow.

"Sure if that's what you want to do," he says a little suspiciously.

"It is..." I trail as I pick at the fruits on my plate. I am starting to regret the purchase I made the other night but it's too late to do anything about it.

I sit through each of my classes wishing they would just end. By the time 2:00 comes around, I'm rushing back to my room to put my stuff away. I have a half hour before Dominic's last class ends so I take the time to change into something cuter. I try to dress for the day and wear a pretty pink blouse. I also pack and unpack his gift a couple times, arguing with myself over whether or not I should just go for it or refrain. When he texts me that he's outside, I swallow nervously and shove it to the bottom of the bag.

I put the gift bag in the back seat alongside my overnight bag. Dominic greets me with a quick peck on the check, which happily surprises me. I try not to show how much I enjoyed it and instead gaze out the window. "You changed shirts?" he asks and I look down at the frilly blouse and offer him a small nod.

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