Dominic's Perspective: Last Few Days of Senior Year

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wow this is the last chapter. i feel like i just started writing this book. agh. i'm going to miss this story. dominic and nova :( definitely my top 3 favorite books i've written.

"Bye guys," Nova says once I pull up to her house.

"Bye, Nova!" West and Jack call as she gets out of the car. I watch her walk up to her front door and wave at me before going inside. I don't fight the smile that breaks out onto my face.

"Dude, you're so whipped," West grunts as he crawls between the two front seats to take her old spot. I move over while shooting a glare at him.

"I'm not whipped," I defend myself with a dubious scoff. I wait until he's all buckled in to pull off.

"You kind of are," Jack agrees as he shifts forward from his middle seat, "and by kind of, I mean really."

"How?" I ask as I drive a little over the speed limit. I mean, I know I make things kind of obvious but am I supposed to hide it? Should I not act excited to hang out with her or text her back? Should I pretend that I don't want to see her when I really, really do?

"First of all, you give her rides to and from school almost every day," West replies with intention to count on his fingers.

"For one, she's my best friend. And two, I wouldn't want to ride the bus with those obnoxious freshmen," I retort dismissively. "Plus, we live ten minutes away from each other and I'd pass her house regardless."

"You always dodge plans with us to hang out with her," Jack comments as he grips both of our seats in an eager attempt to stay in the conversation.

"I don't dodge plans," I correct him with a short look in the rear view mirror. "I just make plans with her before you guys ask me to hang out."

"You don't party as much anymore," West continues to list, pressing down his middle finger now.

"They're not fun to me, anymore," I answer with a weak shrug. I'm not exactly lying either.

"You'd rather sit two feet away from Nova on her couch than hook up with girls on a Friday night?" Jack summarizes with furrowed brows.

I think about it for a minute before giving another nod. "Yeah, I would," I answer, which gets a laugh from both of them.

"But you're not whipped?" Jack concludes with a doubtful look on his face.

"Maybe I am," I retort in slight defeat. "I'd rather have her feel confident in our friendship than feel like I don't care about her."

"Friendship?" Jack scoffs with raised brows. "You don't have to say anything. We all know you're in love with her."

"I'm not," I deny as I stop at a red light. Okay, so maybe I like her a lot but I wouldn't go as far as to say that I'm in love with her. Maybe a little bit. But not the full thing...I don't think.

"You don't like her?" West presses in disbelief.

"I never said-," I start but they're already laughing. "Okay, everyone already knows that I like her. So what?"

"Nothing," West comments with a small laugh.

"What? You think I want to have feelings for her?" I ask them with wide eyes. "She's so far out of my league that it's not even funny. The closest thing I'll ever get to being her boyfriend is being her friend. So excuse me for settling for that."

" much do you like this girl?" Jack mutters from the backseat.

"Too much," I grunt with a slow head shake. "Do you know what I'd do just to kiss her? No tongue or anything- just a simple peck. The fact that I'd do anything for it is already saying so much."

"Maybe you should just tell her," West suggests like an idiot. That's Jack for you- an idiot.

"Are you stupid?" I ask him with a short laugh. "Don't answer that."

"I'm serious," West answers with a casual shoulder rise and drop. I glance at him from my peripheral as I drive in the direction of my house. "You should tell her."

"And why would I do that?" I ask as if I haven't thought over that scenario a million times. I've already predicted every outcome.

"Because liking her from afar is doing you no justice," he informs me. I roll my eyes and he just continues to blabber on about his nonsense. "At least if she doesn't like you back then you know and can move on. Right now you're just feeling around in the dark."

Before I can call West stupid again, Jack pipes in. "He's right, you know," he agrees as he props his arm on both of our seats. "You have to say something in order to move forward."

"Yeah, I don't think so," I retort with a hollow chuckle. Wow, I'm friends with two idiots. Who'd have thought?

"Why not?" West presses as he turns his head to me.

"Because she'll probably think I just want to get in her pants-," I start to explain as I take my hand off the steering wheel to wave it around.

"Okay, first, you've been friends with her for a year and a half. If you wanted to get in her pants, you'd have tried already. You wouldn't have waited so long," West cuts me off. "Give me a better reason."

"She won't want to be my friend anymore because she sees the way I've treated girls," I explain to him. "Not to mention the fact that she probably won't believe me because I still occasionally mess around with girls."

"Then stop messing around with girls," Jack retorts as if it's obvious. Given, it is pretty obvious but I don't need him to act like he knows everything right now.

"I will..." I answer with a slow nod. "But I'm still not going to tell her."

"You're an idiot," Jack comments with a loud sigh. He pushes himself back in his seat as if giving up on the conversation.

"Well, I mean, it's not like she'd go for you anyway- realistically speaking," West mutters as he peers out the window. I shoot him a hard glare.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask in an irritated tone. Of course I know what he means. And I know that he's right. But he doesn't have to rub it in my face. Besides, wasn't he just encouraging me to tell her?

"You guys are just really different is all," he attempts to explain as he waves his hands around. "She's studious and quiet. You're...not."

"Yeah, well she doesn't seem to mind my personality," I try to defend myself. What I really want to say is 'Fuck you, West,' but I know better.

"Being friends with someone is totally different than dating them," West retorts as he shakes his head. "She may love you as a friend but that's probably all it'll ever be."

"You don't know that," I mumble back. Jack is now poised in his spot behind us, looking between the two of us eagerly.

"I mean, you could always try for her but I don't know. I think she'd reject you," West confesses with a weak shrug.

"I'm not too sure about that," Jack cuts in. "I think you have a chance, Dom."

My face immediately falls flat as I look between the two of them. "Is this some weird reverse psychology to get me to go after her?" I ask in a slight state of annoyance. I wish they would stop playing around and give me the advice I'm asking for.

"No, I just think that you're off your game," West clarifies with a shrug. "You've never refused to go after a girl. Or maybe you just don't have enough game to go after Nova. Either way, it's good that you know your limits."

"I still have game," I scoff, "I have more than enough game."

"More than enough game to get with Nova?" West asks and when I hesitate, he chuckles cockily. "That's what I thought."

"Yeah, actually," I confirm. "I do."

"Then pull Nova," West challenges with narrowed eyes. "You know, if you have enough game."

I pull into my driveway and squint at West. "I will," I agree.

"Sure you will," he doubts me with an eye roll.

As we get out of the car, I notice him nudge Jack and I ignore it. Maybe I need a little doubt to do what I never had the balls to do. As I walk up the steps to my house, I sigh. I guess it's a go.

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