33: The Big Reveal

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ATTENTION: I have a few IMPORTANT announcements.

Dominic's Perspective: I'll post the link as the first inline comment to this little paragraph. I'll also post it on my page and attach it to this chapter as a link. I provide instructions there and if, after reading those, you have any questions just comment them here and I will respond. This link will 'close' (I'll just stop checking it) by June 1st, 2018 at 11:59 PM so make sure you vote ASAP (no rocky).

New Books: I will be posting some new books within the next few weeks. I'm getting covers from people currently and if you make covers, don't hesitate to PM me and I'll provide you the information for the books and you can create away. I accept covers from anyone and all the covers I don't choose will receive a dedication and shout out in the book! :) I want to try to be more active in those books. Next chapter of this one, I will be posting short descriptions for the new books to get you guys hyped up. :) [SPOILER: one of them is written in a boy's perspective]

I stand outside my house and peer down the street. Dominic texted me five minutes ago saying he's on the way and knowing him, he'll get here within the next 90 seconds. We just got home yesterday for break and he could barely contain his excitement. The entire car ride back, all we talked about was who we were going to tell, when, and how. He had the entire week planned from the moment we packed up the trunk. Today, we're telling my family. Tomorrow, we're telling his parents. Then on Tuesday, which is the only day we can get everyone together, we're telling his friends.

He slows to a stop in front of my house and hurriedly parks. He gets out and jogs towards me, enveloping me in a hug. "It's been a day," I tell him as I smile into his neck.

"So?" he replies in a whisper against my hair. I pull away and smile up at him.

"Are you ready?" I ask as I slowly back up towards the front door.

"The sooner they know, the more legitimate the relationship is," he responds as he follows my lead.

"If you live through dinner," I chuckle at him as I push open the door and let him in.

"Hello, Dominic," my sister greets him from the recliner. He smiles at her as I usher him to the kitchen, where my parents are setting the table. Mari trails in behind us, sniffing curiously. "Smells great."

"Sit, sit," my mom instructs all of us and we do. I drop in the seat beside Dominic, whose leg bounces rapidly from nerves. I give him a calming smile and he simply raises and drops his eyebrows as he steals a glance at my dad.

"Help yourselves," my father insists as he begins placing bowls of food on the table. "Also, it's nice to see you again, Dominic."

"You, too, Mr. Camacho," he mumbles quietly.

Once we get through the small talk about how the semester's coming along, I decide to intervene. "Actually," I cut in after briefly wiping my mouth. My sister stares at me curiously, waiting for what I'm about to say. "I have some news."

Dominic's leg bounces nervously beside me and I lightly touch his thigh. "Yeah?" my mom asks with a smile on her face. I hope she can restrain my dad long enough for Dominic to run outside and drive away. I told him that if my dad does manage to get out before he can get in the car, that he should run as fast as he can. But if he can make it to his car, he should drive back to school and barricade himself in his dorm.

"I have a boyfriend," I blurt and my dad's head jerks back in surprise. The table is silent for a few seconds as he slowly chews his food. He swallows and blinks at me, as if waiting for a 'haha just kidding,' When it doesn't come, he looks around to see how everyone else is taking the sudden news. My sister is staring at me with a small smirk and my mom is grinning excitedly. Dominic, on the other hand, is watching my dad cautiously.

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