29: A KitKat Just to be Safe

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Hey guys, this is a short chapter. Enjoyyyy. I go back to work tomorrow so I'm not sure when the next update will be. I'll definitely have one next week but I'm not sure what day. Stay tuned.

I feel shame as I enter the local drugstore during the brief period between my first and second class. "Good morning," the cashier greets me and I give her a fleeting glance. I came here with a goal. I have no time for small talk. I circle around the store, fearful of running into one of the few people I know around this campus. There are a couple of girls in the makeup aisle and I want to sigh. I wish this place was empty. This is the only time I have to do my quick shopping trip before I have to see Dominic. We're hanging out later and we're supposed to have our adult conversation.

I swallow nervously as I enter the aisle. I figure it'll be quick- just grab and go. But as soon as my eyes start reading the labels, I feel like I'm in a maze. What the hell is a fire and ice condom and who would use that? My eyes widen as I continue to read the labels. There are flavors? How does one navigate this aisle? I find the brand that Dominic typically uses and skim the descriptions. My eyes find a familiar box that I'm almost positive I've seen in Dominic's underwear drawer at one point. After reading the label and determining that neither of us will get burned trying to use them, I quickly collect the box and cover it with both of my hands.  I practically sprint to the register to speed up the entire process.

I stop myself when I realize I should probably buy something else. I don't want to make it look like I'm going to get laid at 10 in the morning. I think of something that wouldn't look weird if paired with condoms. I quickly snatch a KitKat and get in line. There's a girl in front of me and I look at the items she's buying- just a lipstick. I want to sigh. I know I shouldn't be embarrassed; it's natural and healthy to buy them. But purchasing them knowing that I'm doing so for my own personal use is doing a large job on my nerves.

"Nova?" I hear a voice behind me and I turn around to see Eli standing with a bag of chips and a soda in his hands.

"Hi," I blurt as I make an attempt to swiftly tuck the condoms away. I have nowhere inconspicuous to put them. If I put them in my hoodie pocket, they'll think I'm stealing. If they go behind my back, it's a dead giveaway that I'm hiding something; plus I can't reach around my bulky bookbag. Instead, I hope he doesn't glance at my overextended fingers and read between them.

"You're the last person I thought I'd run into on this side of campus," he comments.

"I just had class in Atticus Hall," I explain.

"Me too!" he agrees. "I wish they had a dining hall over here or something."

"Yeah," I respond, unsure of what else to say. His eyes fall to my hands just as the cashier announces she can take the next person. "Bye!" I spin around and rush to the counter, dropping my two items and positioning myself in front of them.

"Did you find everything okay?" the cashier asks. She robotically scans my candy before attempting to scan the box of condoms. It doesn't go through so she tries again.

"One second, it's missing the price scanner. I'll have to go grab another one," she apologizes as she exits the area behind the counter. I nervously wipe at my forehead, awaiting her return. She comes back quickly and I make eye contact with her as she's approaching. "Are these the right ones?"

My face burns red as I hear Eli let out a stifled laugh from behind me. I quickly nod and she scans them and places them into my bag. I pay and rush to leave but Eli calls me. "Nova, wait," he says. I slow to a stop as I exhale and turn to see him quickly get cashed out.

"What's up?" I ask him as I nervously swing my bag around.

"So, uh, who's the lucky guy?" he jokes out as we exit the store together. I glare at him and he tilts his head. "Am I right in assuming it's Dominic?"

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