Alot In Common

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Leo kept searching Ace around the city until he heard somebody crying. He fallowed the noise and found Ace sitting in the sidewalk and his paws over his eyes crying. Leo walked up to him. "Ace?" he asked. Ace looked up and saw Leo looking down at him looking very concerned. Not wanting him to worry Ace wiped the tears out of his eyes and faked a smile. "Ummmmmmm hey Doc." said Ace. But Leo knew he was faking it. "Ace you don't have to lie to me I know you're upset. " he said. Ace just sighed and looked down. Leo sat down next to him. "Do you want to talk about it you can trust me." said Leo sympethetically. Ace stared at him for a couple minutes and the sighed. "Ok." he said. Then he told Leo about his struggles about being leader and the stress he was feeling about becoming Guardian Of The Universe. "And you want to know the worst thing, Duck doesn't help at all, all he does is insult me, hurt me and give me no respect, he just makes me feel like I'm the worst leader and I feel like he's right sometimes." said Ace as his voice cracked and tears filled up in his eyes. Then Ace started to cry. As Leo heard thid he felt very sorry for him and the pain he was in. Then Leo pulled Ace into a hug. Ace was very shocked but he hugged him back as he kept crying. "Ace I'am really sorry for everything you're going through. " Leo said soothingly. Ace kept crying for a couple more mintues and then he let go and wiped the tears out of his eyes. "I'am sorry you saw you probbably think i sound pathetic." he said. "No I don't i understand you're feeling stressed out and worried and what Duck thinks of you he's wrong I think you're a great leader." said Leo with a warm smile. "Thanks Doc." Ace said smiling. "And I'am going to be honest I know how you feel." said Leo. "You do?" Ace asked. "Yeah I sometimes feel pressue to be leader of my team and feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders." answered Leo. "I'am sorry Leo." Ace said sympethtically. "It's ok." Leo said with a reassuring smile. "And I think you're a great leader to." said Ace. "Thanks Ace." Leo said with a smile. "You're welcome." said Ace. For the next couple minutes Leo and Ace had a conversation as they got to know each other a bit more. "Wow that's amazing how you're sensei is also you're dad." Ace said. "Yeah and him and me are really close so I'am willing to do anything to not let him down." said Leo. "Sounds like the bond I have with my boss Zadavia." Ace said. "And you sound like you really care about you're friends." said Leo. "Yeah I do I'am willing to do anything to keep them safe like you're willing to do for you're brothers and you're friends." Ace said. "Yeah I am." said Leo. Then him and Ace smiled at each other. "You know I just realized something you and me have alot in common." he said. "Yeah we do it's like we're one and the same." said Ace. " The music began to play and the began to sing

Leo: You come from here

I come from there

Ace: You rock out in your room

I rock a world premiere

We're more alike

Than anybody could

Ever tell

Friday we're cool

Monday we're freaks

Leo: Sometimes we rule

Sometimes we can't even speak

Ace: But we kick it off

Let loose


Leo: It may seem cliche

For me to wanna say

That you're not alone

Ace: And you can call me uncool

But it's a simple fact

I got your back

Leo: Yeah



Leo and Ace: Cause we're one and the same

We're anything but oridnary

One and the same

I think we're almost legendary

You and me the perfect team

Chasing down the dream

We're one and the same

Ace: I'm kinda like you

You're kinda like me

Leo: We write the same song

In a different key

Leo and Ace: It' got a rhythm

You and me

Can get along

Leo: And it may seem cliche

For me to wanna say

That you're not alone

Ace: And you can call me uncool

But it's a simple fact

I stll got you're back

Leo and Ace: Cause we're one and the same

We're anything but ordinary

One and the same

I think we're almost legendary

You and me the perfect team

Shaking up the scene

We're one and the same

Leo: Cause we're one and the same

Ace: We're anything but oridanary

Leo: One and the same

Ace: We're something more than momentary

Leo: Cause we're one

Ace: Yeah




Leo: Cause we're one

We're almost legendary

Ace: We're anything but ordinary

Leo and Ace: You and me the perfect team

Chasing down the dream

You and me the perfect team

Shaking up the scene

We're one and the same

When they finished singing Leo and Ace smiled at each other. "Thanks Doc for cheering me up." Ace said. "You're welcome Ace." said Leo. "I should get going." Ace said. "Yeah me too." said Leo. "I'll see you at school tommorw?" Ace asked. "Yeah you will." answered Leo. "Ok bye Leo." Ace said as he waved to him. "Bye Ace." said Leo waving back. As they both began to walk away they both knew they we're already becoming best friends

Loonatics Unleashed belongs to Warner Bros.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon.

The song is called One And The Same from Princess Protection Program.

TMNT/MLP EG/Sonic/LU High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now