Arriving At Canterlot High

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The next day The Loonatics were prapared to go to their first day of school. Before they left a hologram of their leader Zadavia appeared. You see the day before they all told her the good news and she was very happy for them. "All right Loonatics don't forget to study hard and have fun good luck to all of you." she said. "Thanks Zadavia." said the team. Then the hologram disappred. As they walked out of their lair to go to CHS they looked around the city and were amazed at how the city looked. And much to their surprised to see that not only humans were in the city but mutants and mobians too. "Wow-this-city-is-so-cool-and-beautiful." Rev said in amazement. "I know we need to get out to see the city more." Tech said. "Guys look a bustop!" Lexi exclaimed pointing in front of her. They all looked to see a bus as some students were getting in and they realized it was the bus to Canterlot High. "Ugh good cause i don't want to waste my time walking on the first day." groaned Duck. "Just shut up and let's get in." Tech said glaring at him. And so they all got into the bus and as they did they were all greeted by all the humans, mutants and mobians who were also students just like they were. Reve giggled. "Hi there everybody." he exclaimed. As soon as Lexi was getting in she noticed that Ace was looking very nervous. "Ace are you ok?" she asked. "Yeah I'am fine just a bit nervous." answered Ace. Lexi, Tech, Slam and Rev looked very concerned for him and then they heard the bus driver calling out that it was time to go. "Ugh are you getting in or not Ace!" Duck yelled. Lexi was about to yell at him but Ace put a paw on her shoulder. "No really it's ok I'am coming." he said. "Are you sure you're ok?" asked Lexi concerned. "Really I'am fine." Ace said. "Ok." said Lexi with a nod. Then they both went in the bus. "Ugh will you two hurry up I don't want to waste time waiting for you two slowpokes!" Duck complained as he folded his arms. "The duck is a jerk!" coughed a teenaged boy. "Yeah a big jerk!" a teenaged girl coughed. Duck growled at them scaring the two as Ace and Lexi took their seats. When Duck wasn't looking Ace, Lexi, Tech, Slam and Rev gave them a thumbs-up which made the two smile. A couple minutes later the bus arrived at the school. "Wow this school looks amazing." exclaimed Ace. "Yeah." Lexi said in amazement. Then all of the students went out of the bus as it pulled up. Ace reached into his backpack and pulled out some pieces of paper that gave them their locker numbers, thier schedules and another piece of paper that the princapal was kind enough to give them. "Ok guys according to this bit of info the principal's given us we should meet up with one of the students who is gonna give us a tour of the school." explained Ace. "Well you guys wait for that tour I'am leaving." Duck said as he started to walk away. Duck thought that be given a tour of the school was very ridiculous. "Wait-Duck-don't-you-wanna-wait-for-the-tour?" asked Rev. "I'am not gonna have one of the students escort me around the school it's stupid!" Duck yelled. "Duck that's really rude!" yelled Ace. "Yeah one of the students is nice enough to give us a tour of the school!" yelled Lexi. "Yeah Duck what is wrong with you?!" Tech yelled. Slam growled at Duck. "Whatever you do that stupid tour I'am going." said Duck rudely. And then he just stormed off. The others just watched him go off feeling very disgusted that Duck just selfishly ditched them. "I can't believe Duck just did that." Lexi grumbled as she folded her arms. The others nodded in agreement. Ace sighed. "Guys come on let's go." he said. "Ok Ace." said his friends. Then they went to find the place where they'll wait to be given the tour of their new school. 

TMNT/MLP EG/Sonic/LU High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now