Chapter Forty Three

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Wobbly from the newfound knowledge, I wandered back to my dormitory, uncaring if I was caught past curfew. The events of Mr. Crouch had still left me sick and shaken. The Common Room was dead silent and so were the halls, my dorm was too until I heard the quiet murmurs coming from Pansy's corner of the room. It was too dark, but I could see her curtains draped completely down and even tied up around her bedposts. I dismissed it as her sleep talking until I heard the smack of wet lips.

I froze. Afraid to make a noise and alert her I was awake. A soft giggle came from behind the jaded curtains and then a voice so familiar whirred, "Pans." My stomach tightened, it almost ached. Swells of heat poured over me as I grew more and more uncomfortable and embarrassed. The kisses were mortifying. I quietly tip toed out of the room and slowly closed the door, releasing an unhinged lungful of air.

Malfoy and Pansy really were an item? I always knew of Pansy's unhealthy obsession over the Malfoy heir, but I never realised he returned those affections. His attitude towards her at the ball confirmed that for me. Now he was bunking with her and a disgusted churn in my stomach happened when I questioned how long he had been sneaking into our dorm. Now that I thought back to the past few weeks, they had been together in classes and meals. Something made my heart twitch, and I almost felt envious.

A part of me believed it was jealousy of not having a partner like Daphne, Payton and now Pansy. Craving the attention and love. But another part of me, a part I decided to ignore, felt jealous for another reason. An emotional reason that I would not confront. I hated Malfoy, he was an egotistical and selfish ass who took pleasure from intimidation. He had called me a disappointment to my House, a disappointment to Salazar. He constantly belittled me, threw nasty taunts in my direction and wouldn't skip the opportunity to spit on me while I was down. Yet I had seen the human side to him too. When he kept me safe after the World Cup from the Death Eater riot. When he wordlessly comforted me in a moment of vulnerability in the Common Room one night. When he mustered a compliment on my 'good looks.' When he swallowed his pride and tenderly danced with me at the Yule Ball.

And then the three words I heard his voice break over, yet I didn't dare to think of.

Is she alive?

I slammed my eyes shut and ran a frustrated hand through my hair. I couldn't go back in there, I felt repulsed being in the same vicinity. So, I wandered to the empty Common Room, contemplating sleeping on the couch. But after my unsettled night, I wasn't even tired. Finding out about the maze, seeing a dead person, experiencing another's memories and contemplating feelings for someone as vicious as Malfoy would do that to you.

At this point, I didn't even acknowledge detention or being caught after hours. Walking through the empty castle was liberating for my mind. I guess I could muster an excuse anyway after my night. Time lapsed as I meandered aimlessly through the empty rooms. I eventually found myself perched on a wide window ledge, near Hufflepuff's Common Room entrance. I sat there for a while, unsure of what I was waiting for.

Then I realised who I was eager to see, though I didn't know the way inside. As if Merlin heard my thoughts, the footsteps of approaching students echoed in the hall and I was thankful I wasn't the only student breaking curfew. I cracked a quick Disillusion Charm over me, the spell running down my skin to blend me into the window behind me. I watched intently as the girl who I recognised as sixth year Eloise Murphy, looking rather intoxicated in fact, tapped the barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row. Two slow taps, two fast taps, then one last slow tap. The barrel swung open and I smirked.

I tapped myself with my wand one more time to strengthen my disillusionment before repeating Murphy's knocking. With success, it opened, and I stepped inside. My pulse sped up, ribbiting in my throat from the sense of danger. I had never been one for breaking the rules, but now it was time to embrace my cunning Slytherinness. Maybe now Malfoy would be proud of me. I was shocked at the stark difference between the dark Slytherin dungeons compared to the bright Hufflepuff quarters. Instead of cold stone, there was cheerful buttery walls. The grand beams that stood tall in our rooms were replaced by honey-coloured wood. Plants relished in the atmosphere and I felt repelled by the cheeriness.

I made a sour face as I moseyed through the halls looking for the male dorms, and then the seventh-year dorms. Finally, his name appeared on one of the wooden slat doors. I whisked my Disillusion Charm away - I was quite the master of it now since the first task - and quietly entered. Gratefully all their curtains were open, lazy boys sluggishly sprawled out on their patchwork quilts. The golden-haired boy was easy to find. He was faultless. His muddled hair was adorable, the slow rising of his chest was calming. The way his eyes peacefully closed, bushy lashes unmoving at their ends. As I looked over the tranquil figure I almost couldn't believe I considered feelings for another. I poked Cedric with my wand, once, twice, three times – Merlin he was a deep sleeper.

"Cedric," I hissed from his side and then shook him lightly. "Ced."

He woke with a start, grabbing his wand beside him and sitting up to face me. Grey eyes wide with terror. As soon as he saw me he settled down and then frowned. "How did you get in here?" he whispered. The top of his bare chest welcomed my eyes as he straightened up.

"Slytherin," I smirked.

He reached over, grabbing a spare grey top from his open top drawer and pulled it over him. I was entranced by the way his arms flexed and moved. He slid out of bed and placed an arm on my shoulders as he led me out of the dorm.

"This is quite strange, you being in here." He admitted as we walked to the Common Room. We crossed a third year, Jeremy Bultwick but a look from Cedric kept him quiet.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. He helped me through the barrel, his hand out to support my step. I didn't let go once I was back on the ground, and neither did he. It must have been early morning now, like 2 or 3 am. The moon still shone bright, it's luminescent beams highlighting the windowed halls.

"Just somewhere more private." He said as we continued. "Still in your uniform?" He raised a thick golden brow.

"I have had the most insane night," I sighed.

We finally stopped in an abandoned classroom I had never seen before. Then again, I was rarely on this side of the castle. Our footsteps reverberated and as Cedric glided onto a squeaky desk, the emptiness of the room magnified. His legs dangled off the side and he signalled me to come closer.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked as I stood before him. His hand grazed my elbow.

"I actually... don't." I confessed to myself puzzled. "I just needed to be with someone."

"We'll I'm here," he grinned, "and I always will be Melody."

A light warmth spread across my chest. It was a similar proposal as Harry's, but this was different. This filled me with longing, almost like I wanted more from him. Any confused stirrings I had about Malfoy were gone as I measured his fluid, yet stable grey eyes. His hands rested on both sides of my hips now, moving me closer. Comfortingly, his thumbs ran circles and I suddenly felt dazed. I relaxed into his hold, my forehead resting on his, eyelashes brushing his skin as I blinked.

Everything went noiseless, all I focused on was Cedric's hypnotic breaths. Desperate I wanted something good to come out of this night, I nudged my nose against his and he breathed a chuckle. I was almost certain I was going to pass out with nerves, good nerves. He moved in closer, his nose skimming against mine, but I was the one to make contact with his lips.

It was quick and chaste, all I could really manage in my inexperience. My hands fumbled and moved to his shoulders and his grip on my hips tightened. I exhaled a small laugh, not really knowing what to do and realising what I had done. He released a small chuckle too, then frowned in concentration as he closed the space this time. His lips fitting between mine comfortably. This time it was longer, our heads swimming in desire as we embraced each other. His hands then moved around my back, kneading my body as he did so. Naturally I melted into his touch more, our bodies right against each other now. My hands went from his shoulders as I cuddled closer into him, holding his head now.

Who knows how long we stood there for, kissing and embracing one another. Nonetheless it was the greatest wonder of my life, this feeling, weightless and invisible as it was. Anything else was a cruel and empty distraction.

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