Chapter One Hundred and Nine

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You would have thought a torpedo was ripping through the hallways by the ferocity Draco used to slam our dorm door open. The wood smacked against our walls leaving us speechless. Tracey Davis lost grip on her book and Daphne yelped in front of the mirror where she was applying a facial mask.

"Out," Draco seethed to them though his icy eyes were glued onto me, seated on my plush emerald sheets with Mia on my lap.

Tracey didn't move, just stared at him in shock as Daphne hesitated.

"OUT!" He barked.

Tracey jumped off the bed faster than I had ever seen her move before. She swooped her book in the same quick movement and sped out of the room wordlessly. Daphne didn't know whether to wipe her face first or just run, but one look from the furious Draco made her decision for her. She dropped her creams and walked rapidly out of the room, closing the door like a mouse.

I had been waiting for this eruption, it was inevitable Draco's patience would run thin with our small break and ever since seeing Blaise in the library I had been fearful. Mia cowered in my hands as silence washed over the room.

"I was drugged with a love potion," he fumed. "My actions were completely out of my hands but I understood you needed to get over what happened." He took a breath and moved in closer to me, his hand raising to point at me. "But can you imagine how fucking angry I was to hear you were cosying up with that prick Thomas in the library today-"


"And how humiliating it is to hear that little twit was running his hands over my girlfriend. Break or not, Melody, I will not stand-"

"He was not running his hands-"

"In front of all my mates and peers too! I have a reputation-"

"Stop!" I shouted, making Mia jump out of my hands and slink under the bed, her only escape from us simmering teenagers. To my surprise, Draco halted, pulling back what he was about to say. Now that I had the liberty to speak and explain, I didn't know what I wanted to say. "Is this coming from Blaise?"

"Blaise and Millicent," he scowled.

"Millicent? You would believe that cow?"

"I wouldn't have but Blaise said he saw you too," his jaw twitched.

"Right, well Millicent is stirring shit. Yes, it is correct I was in the library with Dean," his neck muscles tightened, "but! I just spoke to him and he barely touched my hand. He was forgiving me for what you did last year."

He let out a sarcastic laugh. "Right, well there's more of that coming." He snarled.

I sighed. "Again? Haven't we got enough negative shit going on?"

He studied me curiously and then sighed himself. He surrendered from standing and collapsed beside me. He held his head in his hands and let out an agonizing groan, it looked like he was suffering a headache. "I can't do this anymore," he mumbled. "I'm sorry, Melody."

His words were true, too rawly honest for me not to melt.

"I can't keep myself away from you any longer. I need you. I'm so tired. My life is literal shit at the moment. This fucking cabinet won't work, my girlfriend hates me for something I couldn't even help, I was kicked off the Quidditch team and now my grades are so low I'll be lucky to pass N.E.W.Ts."

My heart swooped as I'd never seen Draco appear so openly weak. I caved, resting my weight against his craned body and kissing the back of his neck. Just like that, I forgave him. I didn't see Pansy and him snogging anymore, I saw my boyfriend suffering and needing my support. Just like he always gave to me.

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