Chapter Ninety Six

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I sat wearily on one of the pearl-cushioned window seats in the ballroom watching the rain come down. Draco was occupied with Bellatrix again for Occlumency training. I had decided to skip today's lesson, claiming I had another headache. She saw straight through the lie, but seemed indifferent on whether I actually learnt anything or not. The water droplets fell down the glass windows like they had nothing better to do. There was a laziness about them, like they couldn't be bothered conforming to gravity. Oh how I yearned for simplicity like one of these water droplets.

I ran a hand down the window, feeling the coldness through the glass and catching sight of my dark mark as I moved. It managed to catch me off guard every time I held out my forearm. Unlike Draco, the mark didn't remind me of Voldemort or my responsibility as a Death Eater, it reminded me of my task to kill the Headmaster. I sighed dismally as I banged my head against the window in frustration. Maybe I should just purposely fail and let Dumbledore kill me instead. Then again he wouldn't do that to me, if anything I'd end up in Azkaban and I wasn't about to spend the rest of my life in the presence of dementors in a tiny cell.

The tapping of shoes against the glossy floor snapped me out of my thoughts. I swerved to see Snape entering the ballroom. Happiness conquered me, the sight of Snape was almost healing my brain. For the split second I had felt like I was waking up from my nightmare. I had seen him at some meetings, but all we could share was glances across the table. Now he was here, in front of me and alone.

"Skipping class, Taylor." His right brow curved. "Not unlike you, I suppose."

"I don't skip!" I quipped with a light-hearted tone. "It's great to see you, Snape. Really, it is."

"I wish I could say the same," his voice droned and I gave a nod in understanding. I noticed his eyes resting on my right forearm, eyeing my new body art. "It's a shame really, this could have all been avoided had you just listened to me."

"I couldn't stand by, knowing you had told..." I stopped my sentence midway, afraid of talking about such sensitive things in the Manor where ears could be everywhere. "Well... you know." I said.

He rumpled his nose. "Unfortunately I do know, all too well." He said and I frowned, wondering just what he meant. He then leant closer, his face taking on a more serious nature. "You have done well here." He said quietly.

"Thank you," I whispered back on the cusp of a sigh. My hand gripped over the dark mark, feeling shame I couldn't prevent quite everything.

"Time is of the essence so I am going to be short and direct." He hushed. "He will be gone tonight, for a very long time with all the inner circle away from here. He has left no one of importance to stay at the Manor in guard of you. I believe he trusts you now, Melody." The news that the Dark Lord trusted me lifted me almost as much as it did when Snape used my first name. "At eight I will arrive at the front gates, meet me there. I will return you to the Order."

Before I could say anything in response, Snape stepped back and then apparated into nothing. I was left with wide doe-like eyes and a startled face. He was going to take me back to the Order? Something happened and I was frozen to the spot. Apprehension shivered down my spine like a careful spider trailing silk. I couldn't go back to the Order. Was he mental? They'd throw me into Azkaban after what I did! And what about Draco, I couldn't just leave him here unprotected. Voldemort would kill him for my return! With so many thoughts spurring through my mind, I hadn't even noticed the rapidness of my breathing.

"Merope," the Dark Lord's cold voice rang.

I squeaked and jumped off the window-seat to see the man himself standing at the ballroom entrance. It was too late to hide my concern, so I raised a hand to my head, ready to pretend it was the headache bothering me.

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