Chapter 1

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Kellin's POV:

"Wait... You... What?"

My best friend Vanessa stared at me with her mouth agape. She looked totally and utterly shocked when I told her I was gay.

"What do you mean 'what'? I always thought it was kinda obvious..." I trailed off because I knew I didn't really want to finish that sentence. She was still sitting there with her face like a fish but it looked like she was slowly retaining the information I just told her.

"Soo... Any comments?" At this point, I was getting nervous. It had been more than a few minutes and she still just sat there staring at me.

"I knew you were flamboyant but... I-I just thought th-that was your personality. I didn't think that y-you were..." She stuttered, probably trying to cope with what I just told her.

"I know this won't be easy to swallow but I really need you to understand that. You're my best friend Veebee." I needed her to understand. I couldn't lose her too. Not now. And I hoped... Not ever.

"You're right it isn't. But I guess I kinda knew all along. I mean... I'm pretty sure half the school thinks you are too so I guess it's okay!" She put on a bright smile and I knew that I hadn't lost her and I gave her the biggest hug I could possibly big. After that she looked a bit suffocated but, happy. I didn't think something like this would even phase her but she-

"Wait, what? Are there rumors going on about me or something?" I was instantly hit with the realization of what she actually said.

"Well... Kinda... I'm surprised you didn't know. You're normally so involved with that stuff, K." She looked at me with curiosity because even I couldn't explain why I didn't know about it. Not to sound cocky, but I was pretty close to friends with everyone. By that I mean that I was on good terms with everyone, but I still had my own group of friends that I really only hang out with.

"To be honest I can't believe I didn't even hear of it. I normally hear all about gossip from Sean..."

Sean was some hot shot baseball player that hung around my friends and I on a daily basis. I'm pretty sure he developed a sort of a crush on me sometime during sophomore year. Of course, we were juniors, almost seniors, now and we both got more involved in things and then he joined the baseball team. After that, there were rumors surrounding him for a while about fucking someone in the locker rooms or something and ever since then he has been apart of the gossip being as he was the one who started the rumor... He was a bit of an attention whore at times.

"Okay, well how did this come to be? What turned you? Last time I saw you were doing that little fuck-bunny shit with Amanda Reeves." She looked at me with an understanding but at the same time are-you-fucking-high-or-something look. She actually did that a lot and now I bet she figured out why.

Something caught my attention though.

"Fuck-bunny? Is that a thing? I mean..." I teased her because she always came up with clever things like that and that made me laugh instantly.

"Alright, alright. You had your fun. Now, tell me." I hated when she got curious. She always ended up getting what she wanted and that pissed me off sometimes. But she was Veebee so this time I expected it.

"Well I always knew that I was a little different. It might have really come out during the beginning of junior year. I knew that Sean had a crush on me but I still just denied everything. I could feel that I liked the idea of a boy liking me more than a girl and to be honest it kinda scared me a little."

She looked at me with eyes wide open.

"Sean. Sean turned you."

"No! Nice try but that isn't what turned me. I just realized that I was different so I thought I was just bi and that didn't bother me that much so I let it go. Anyway, back to my story. As you mentioned earlier, my 'fuck-bunny' and I-" I purposefully paused and glanced up at her seething face for my amusement then continued. "-started hooking up in our free time. As it continued, I got bored with it but for all the wrong reasons. I was never pleased and... I guess you could say that even the thought of any girl didn't even interest me."

I looked back up at her and she reassured me that she was still here for me with just a single glance.

"I then broke it off with Amanda cuz it truly was boring and almost disgusting me. I started to wonder what would make me happy. I started thinking about how I was almost okay with liking Sean that one time. It took me that long to realize that... Whenever I thought about a... guy's body... it seemed much better than any girls'."

I looked up to see a very caring and understanding Vanessa now sitting on the ground right in front of me, calmly listening to my story.

"I know that's not it Kellin. Who and what happened?" As usual, she could see right into me without me having to say anything.

I smiled and now confidently finished the rest of the story. "Fine you got me. When I finally realized I was gay, I really just needed time to come to terms with it. So I ditched fourth period, like I normally do." I hated science. And quite frankly, I hated that teacher as well so whenever I did go, I'd get detention for making a snide comment. "I went to the usual spot under the giant oak tree behind the AB building and just sat there. I sat there watching the leaves move back and forth and when the bell rang I didn't budge. After a while Justin and his gang showed up. They all had joints and at that point I really wanted one. When they sat down, Justin handed me the joint and gave me a look like he knew I needed it."

"I can't believe you got some and I didn't. I hate it when I choose to go to class and miss everything." She was sitting there calmly, but now she started shaking her head in her own frustration. I giggled to myself and continued.

"Around just after sixth period they were high off their asses and doing stupid shit, same as always. I didn't feel like getting that high then so I was only a little bit. I somehow ended up in Justin's lap while his groupies were amusing themselves doing god-knows-what. He started stroking my hair and I really liked it. I liked the way it felt and I liked that it was him and not some girl. I don't have a thing for him or anything but I wouldn't be opposed to him being my 'fuck-bunny'."

I giggled again and she quietly sat there glaring at me.

"Since they were all high as fuck, they didn't care when I, only half aware that I was doing this, straddled him with one leg on either side of him. I pushed him down and started making out with him while grinding at the same time. I realized how much I liked it and we went further. Of course, we were still on school grounds so it didn't go too far. And when Justin turned himself down a bit, he invited me to his house. I got the message and stuff happened when I got there and... yeah."

"So Justin's gay?" At this she didn't look too shocked and I got a little confused but I quickly dropped it.

"I guess so. It kinda shocked me that he wasn't bothered or flustered at all but it felt good so I didn't care." I got up and walked over to the kitchen, getting something to drink because telling that story made me parched.

She was sitting there, looking like she was thinking about something. "Well then, Kellin, I hope this doesn't bother you."

"What do you mean? Why would being gay-"

I pulled out a soda and turned around. I was staring at a half naked Veebee making seductive faces at me. I was a little shocked so I turned back around and opened the fridge again and grabbed the bag of marshmallows that my sister had put in there for some reason. I silently opened the bag and turned around quickly. She was now rubbing her semi-covered breasts expecting me to react. In the end, I ended up pelting marshmallows at her and started an all out marshmallow war.

It was extremely different though. Every time you got hit, you had to remove a piece of clothing. So in a sense, it was a stripping war. This had no effect on either of us because Veebee was immune to my weirdness by now and I was... well, I was gay. And I had accepted that.

Aside from that, Veebee won with a shining smile on her face.

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