Chapter 10

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AWE AWE AWE GUYS 267 READS THAT'S A BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT FOR ME. thanks *blushesprofusely* love you adorable little turtles you!


What the actual fuck is going on? My head is spinning and there are three teenagers that are speaking louder than needed. And it's dark outside.

Now hold on Kellin. Let's take a second to look at the surroundings.

I'm at my house.

It's dark outside.

My dad would never let anyone over at night let alone over at all.

My head is pounding along with multiple other places of my body.

On closer inspection, my dad is out cold in a corner. That's fine with me by the way.

Vic is here.

His fists are clenched.

He's talking but I can't hear him.

He's looking at me, and has noticed I'm awake.

Vic is crawling towards me.

Vic is here.

Vic is here.

And he saved me.

And with that, my vision fades to blackness.


I watched as Vic crawled over to Kellin as we saw his eyes flutter open. No one said anything except for Kellin who whimpered so quietly that we almost didn't hear him.



And he passed out once more.

Here, sitting in silence, watching Vic cradle Kellin's head on his lap, watching him stare at the oh so fragile boy with the blue eyes he's been thinking about nonstop, I realise something.

My big brother is in love. And I couldn't be happier.

Our parents haven't always been the most supporting of his sexuality, and when I say not the most supporting I mean, "You need to go to church so you'll be cured" type of non-supporting. So he's been so closed off for fear of being judged even further.

"Vic. You doin' okay?" I had to ask. He looked about to cry, and if I'm not mistaken, I see a silver tear slide down his jawline. I glance at Vanessa who glances at me letting me know that she saw it as well.

"Yea. I'm alright." He had a weak smile on his face as he caressed Kellin's. His fingers gently brushed a forming bruise on his cheek. When they did, Kellin whimpered and slightly rolled his injury away from Vic's touch.

"My welfare is not the problem here though." His face turned stoic as he gently picked up Kellin's head, moved away, and placed it back on the cushion softly.

"What are we going to do about this?!" He was infuriated to say the least, his facial expression cracked into one of maddened anger.

"Nothing." Both Vic and I were astonished to hear Vanessa's response.

I'd never seen her look so fierce and judging by Vic's expression, neither had he. Her eyes were narrowed, her fists clenched at her sides.

She was now on her feet, in between Kellin and Vic, looking up at Vic with a glare intimidating enough to rival that of Medusa. And Vic was clearly frozen in her stare.

"You will not repeat any of what has happened here to anyone except us four. This is traumatizing enough for him and I've been here to help him through every step. I'm perfectly fine with you being his ever-so-wonderful knight in shining armor but you will not hurt him anymore than he is put through."

"He needs help, Vanessa! We can't let this go on! He-"

"No means no, Victor." If possible her glare became ever more fierce and I found myself semi-scared of the small blonde who had suddenly grown far taller in my eyes.

She turned away and kneeled down to perch by Kellin's side, silent once more.

Vic opened his mouth like he was about to object once more but I piped in.

"Vic. Stop."

We shared a look for more than a few minutes and finally-

"Fine. I'll keep it a secret for his sake. But I'm not leaving him in this house. He's coming back home with us."

Vic's POV:

I won't leave him here. Not when he's this vulnerable.

I went around to the other side of Kellin because Veebee was now in my previous spot. Her hand was on his stomach and tears were silently streaming down her cheeks. A large step down from the protective glare of a best friend that faced me moments before.

I placed my hand gently over hers and she transitioned her gaze from Kellin to me, giving me a sad smile as she used her other hand to wipe away a few tears that I hadn't realized had fallen down my cheeks as well.

"Promise me Vic. Promise me you won't break his heart. I've protected it for far too long to see him be broken beyond repair."

"I promise. Let me prove it to you." With that, she removed her small hands and stood up.

I picked up the broken boy bridal style. His head rolled onto my shoulder and I had an overwhelming urge to never let this happen again. I can't bear to have him in my arms, so lifeless.

I carried him around Vanessa, who was standing there staring at the equally lifeless form of Kellin's father, hatred written in every curvature of her stance.

I stood side by side with Mike, him watching Vanessa, myself facing the door.

"Take Vanessa home. Don't let her do anything too reckless. Just look after her."

"I have to. She's been watching over someone else for so long, no one has been watching over her."

I began to walk but stopped when I heard him chuckle.

"And Vic? You don't really believe that I'll be able to stop her, of all people, from doing anything reckless, do you? She's Mrs. Reckless with a capital R."

I smirked at his reply and gave a little laugh. "Yea, I guess so."

Something in my conscious was haunting me since the moment I ran through the front door.

As I stared at the beautiful and lifeless face, with the closed emerald eyes that held the light that I swore to myself that I would protect, one thought ran through my mind.

This life will no longer be the same again.

And I couldn't help but think to myself,

If it;s with him, I don't want it be.



SOOOO yea. um. I'm actually a little frightened like I have so many ideas for this one story I mean like this could last forever IF I COULD JUST GET ENOUGH TIME TO FRICKIN UPDATE JEEZ.

OH AAAANNNNNDDDD update on the cute dimpled boy in my year. I'm not really sure about him anymore. I think I like the thought of a relationship more than I like him and I don't think that's very fair.  So I'm going to try and understand whats going on in my own head before I try to understand someone else's.

But hey. It'd only be a fling or something because I'm just going to end up marrying Luke Hemmings anyways. Right? Right.

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