Chapter 3

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A/N: This is a chapter where I'm gonna try to tell you about the characters... Hope you like it.

Here we go. Third Period.

Why on Earth do I have to be here? No one cares about History except for History teachers and I'm still pretty sure that even they don't want to be here. No one to entertain me was in this class either. My only entertainment was bugging the shit out of Ms. Thass, an old crinkly woman who no one liked whatsoever.

Every day in this class I always zoned out and drew whatever came to mind. The worst part about this, was that Thass has this wall of drawings that she takes from students caught drawing in her class. Many were awkward lovey-dovey pictures of wanna-be couples.

Mine however, which occupied about ninety percent of this wall, were always "inappropriate" and of course, earned me about a week of detention each.

One of them in particular didn't even get on the board because it was "too inappropriate for a minor to even lay eyes on". I do these things on purpose and the entire student body knew it.

Today I happened to be drawing of a very steamy scene of Ms. Thass and Mr. Season, the other History teacher, just to throw her off. After a while, she didn't even look at my drawings and just put them up. 

This was a very bad idea on her part. When she put it up on the board, I smirked a devilish grin and got somewhere around nine high fives because I signed it before she took it. The next day, I had recieved two months of detention and, quite frankly, I was proud of those two months.


Nothing particularly interesting happened in detention that day. I drew another picture, but this time it was of Justin and I in the grass. In detention Thass didn't take our drawings cuz she knew we all had nothing better to do. In all reality, she was a pretty cool teacher, and one of my favorites considering the others at this god-forsaken school so I was okay with sitting in detention. More along the lines of 'I don't want to go home because of my drunken step-father and high-all-the-time mother' was why I purposely got into trouble.

Going home meant going back to hell. And who would want to do that?

Veebee was the only one who really put up with my crap because I put up with hers. We had other friends like Sean and Justin. Justin hanging out with us was out the window now. Sean messed around with us whenever we felt like getting into trouble. And then there was Bryce.

Bryce was your stereo-typical band junkie but cool guy at the same time. Long hair (for a guy), collection of beanies, always had his headphones tied loosely around his neck, skinny jeans and the constant band t-shirt, black vans that were a little too big for his feet, and probably a little taller than the average person. Veebee and I adored him, her a little more than me.

Unfortunately for Veebee, he had a nice relationship with a girl named Kit that, again, both Veebee and I adored. She had long brown hair that she frequently dyed either red or black, listened to all types of music, she could dance, and she actually looked like the average girl who got along with everyone: the band-junkies, the bookworms, the sports players, and the swaggets. Normal height maybe even a little short, tiny hands and tiny feet, and somewhat of an hourglass figure but not anorexic looking. Blatantly put, she was every guys dream, but she had no self confidence whatsoever.

They met because Bryce had saved her from jumping off of the top of a building even though he was about to do the same himself. After that they both came down and slowly fell in love with everything about each other.

Veebee and I both thought it was sweet and adorable and all that mushy crap and I think that why was she hated herself even though she was definitely in love with Bryce.

Onto the wonderful Veebee. She was a pretty short person, so skinny that it looked like she never ate which wasn't true she ate like a normal person. Long platinum blonde hair, tiny hands that everyone thought were funny because she freaked out about it, she was understanding and always listened to anyone who ever needed help. Her favorite type of music was that mixture of punk and pop and, very much like me, she always says she hates people but is friends with generally every person that she comes into contact with.

As I was thinking about all my friends I was distracted by Thass telling everyone it was time to leave.

"You want to get rid of us already Ms. Thass? I thought you loved me!" I gave her a fake hurt look as I was dragged out of the room by Sean who had done something to piss her off last week and still had to come.

"Kellin just leave before you get into more detention." He looked done with everything. I had wondered what was bugging him but then thought it was best to ignore it.

"I already have two months of. There isn't much more I can do to her that would bug her enough to want t be with my sexy self any more." I was a cocky little shit when I wanted to be and this was how I got people into good moods.

"Yeah well your sexy self better watch his step." He said as he yanked me away from tripping over a... backpack?

"What the hell? School was over three hours ago. Whose backpack is-"

I looked up in annoyance but quickly blanked. Right in front of me was someone who I had never seen before but I wanted to stare at him for the rest of forever.

The man in front of me was just a little bit shorter than me, brown hair a little bit longer than mine, beautiful brown eyes, and lips that I couldn't stop looking down at. I suddenly became very aware that I was sizing him up.

I could feel myself blush like crazy and my eyes widen because I could feel that Sean was watching me check him out.

He grabbed my wrist and began to drag me away again. I didn't have any strength left in my body to resist so I let him, with me still staring at the boy who was left staring at me as well.

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