Chapter 5

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Vics POV:

When I woke up that morning I groaned at the thought of going to school. My first day. At a new school. My only friend was Veebee.


That's right. She wanted to meet up before school.

All she told me was-

*Text Message from Veebee*

Park we walked through to get to my house.

Before school

 Bringing Kellin so you can meet him

Let Mike walk on


See ya there!

P.S. I you forget, I. will. not. forgive. you.

*End of Message*

I simply responded with the only thing I could.

*Text Message to Veebee*

Who do I even have to talk to, besides you? Haha

Don't worry I'll be there

P.S. you scare me even though your tiny sometimes.

*End of Message*

I feel like I made her laugh at that last part because she sent me back in all caps-

*Text Message from Veebee*



*End of Message*

She was so bizarre. But I loved it.

I checked the time on my clock and it read 6:27. I was debating on going back to sleep for five minutes but then thought better of it.

Knowing myself I'd fall asleep and wake back up at exactly 6:59 and then Veebee would kill me.

So I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the closet. I slumped, leaning on the door for support when I actually felt how much my body wanted to go back to sleep.

When I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans with a hole in the thigh and a Suicide Silence t-shirt I trudged to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and the rat's nest that I currently referred to as my hair. Maybe I'll get it cut sometime.

I made my way back down the hall into the kitchen and the living space. My aunt already had fruit sitting in bowls on the counter. Mike was half asleep as he was chewing on a piece of cantaloupe with eyes half-closed.

He didn't even notice me appear before I shoved his face into the bowl and he screamed like a little boy. I started cracking up laughing at him, and he simply shot daggers at me with his glare that I had become immune to over the years.

I stole a grape from my bowl that was staring at me. I simply wasn't hungry, especially when I checked the clock on the microwave that said 6:47.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the kitchen, hearing a pain filled groan after I slapped Mikey upside the head just because I could.

I turned back, my eyes scanning the house searching for anything I had forgotten. After I had mentally gone over my checklist, I turned to the door and headed out to meet my friend.


According to Veebee I was to meet up with her at the park we had walked through to get to her house yesterday. The particular meeting place was the swings so I figured she wanted to talk to me about something instead of just walking on. But then again, why would I miss first period?

After about eight minutes of walking, I made it to the park she was talking about. It was actually quite large in size. I ended up having to search around for the swings that she mentioned. I knew she was already at them because she shot me a text probably two minutes ago saying that her and Kellin were there.

I wonder what Kellin is like. That story of how they met was a little peculiar... It was definitely an intriguing thing when you only had that to go on finding out someone's personality by yourself. She also said that he had beautiful, emerald eyes that could break your heart with just a glance.

When I thought about them, I immediately thought back to the gorgeous boy staring at me when I was finished turning in Mike and I's papers yesterday. His eyes could melt my soul, and I'm pretty sure they already had. I still don't know what happened back there. All I can really remember was the beautiful boy staring at me, and I staring back at him.

No. I couldn't get that lucky. A boy like him would probably never even look at me like that again.

When I'm pretty sure I heard bickering, I turned the corner to see Veebee's long platinum hair trailing down her back as she looked up at a boy with a strikingly familiar hairstyle.

I noticed they were having a spat a so I decided not to get involved. However, as I was standing there, I heard a snippet of the quarrel.

"VANESSA DANIELLE I CANNOT FUCKING BELIEVE YOU." I didn't know her middle name was Danielle...

"What do you mean?! He's perfect and so awesome! You should at least meet him!" She pleaded at the boy, and looked a little desperate.

"I don't want to meet him! Not like this! Where the hell did you even come up with this scheme of yours?!"

At the mention of the word scheme, I remembered Veebee's devilish smile from last night and started to put together that the current conversation was most likely about me.

"When you told me what happened between you and Justin in second period. I knew that that moment meant something to you and I won't let you deny it. You may have regrets that it happened but I know you realized it too. You're lonely." Veebee looked a little guilty, but still determined.

I knew that she had meant for the best but it sounded like the boy felt genuinely hurt that she had, apparently, gone behind his back and done god-knows-what. I was a little afraid to think of what she had done because I knew that this girl could get whatever she wanted.

Wait. Lonely? She can't possibly be thinking of... No, that'd be silly.

I took a sip of the juice box I hi-jacked from my cousin because I was thirsty. He was preoccupied with something he thought was far more interesting so I would put my money on that he still hasn't noticed.

Kellin, as I had come to the conclusion of who it was, sounded resigned and sighed heavily. "Veebee I told you because I trus-"

At that moment I started choking and spluttering on my drink.

The boy she was talking to had turned around.

The boy with the emerald eyes was staring right at me.

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