Chapter 9

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Vic's POV:

My eyes started to well up with tears as soon as I looked at the broken boy.

"Kellin. Don't leave me just yet."

I saw one of my tears fall onto his cheek and then he blacked out.

Words can't describe the anger I felt towards his father. This horrible rage built up in the pit of my stomach and I whipped around with a passion so hungry for blood I lost control of it.

One hit.

Two hits.

Three hits.

Four hits.

He was on the floor.

"Vic! What are you- Kellin!"

Veebee burst through the door and when I heard her voice scream his name in panic I came back to reality.

She ran towards Kellin and I just stood there. Staring at his father with blank eyes.

"Vic..." Mike finally spoke up.

"I know." As much I as I hated every bone in this disgusting leeches body, I can't kill him. That'd be murder.

So Mike and I dragged Kellin's father over to the couch and put him there. More liked dropped him so he'd only wake up in more pain. Oh well. . .

"Victor Vincent Fuentes, you will tell me what's going on this instant."

In a cute but intimidating sort of way, Veebee stood up, crossed her arms, and threw one hip to the right in a stance of sass.

Mike giggled a bit - yes giggled - and I couldn't help but crack a weak smile even though she wanted to be taken dead seriously.

"Sit down then. It looks like I've got a little explaining to do."

Veebee's POV:

Number 3.

Number 3 was right. Vic is a psychic little shit. To a degree.

"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait... Summarize that. One more time."

Vic was telling me pretty much everything about what happened while we were tending to Kellin.

Mike spoke up after a few minutes of silence. "Vic has always had a type of connection to the ones he cares a lot about. He can feel when something really bad or something really good is happening but he can't ever tell which one it is, that part's just always a hunch. Tonight he felt something was wrong with Kellin and he was proved right again."

"Only people he cares about? So this doesn't happen normally? You're not like in tune with the whole world or something are you? Cuz if you are, I feel so bad for you..." I tried to lighten the mood a bit with a small chuckle and they picked up on it because they laughed too. But something stood out to me...

"'Who he cares a lot about'... You care about Kellin that much?" A smile hit my lips as I thought about this small-ish but still taller than me Mexican boy.

He blushed and looked away while his brother just chuckled.

He's only known Kellin for, what, two days now? No, not even. They met this morning. Well yesterday morning since it's like three in the morning.

Shit. We have school tomorrow. We're so fucked. Anyway.

He's only known Kellin for a day and it's safe to say Vic feels a strong connection to him. I can tell he doesn't open up to just anyone too.

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