What i Want to Forget...

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Some things weren't as glamorous as others...

1)when I had my leg lengthening surgery in 3rd grade...it was terrible! I had this big device sticking out of my leg and I had to use  a walker or a wheelchair to get around for awhile...plus no matter how many antibiotics they gave me, it would always get infected by the rods...and I don't wanna have to go through that again, I'd rather just have one regular-sized leg and one the size of a 9 year old...

2) having my horrible muscle spasm after the leg lengthening surgery...i swear I was gonna die by the way my leg was spasming out of control...I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. It's like having a really bad knee cramp, but with a lot of shaking as well, not pleasant.

3) Of course I've heard some people talking sh*t about me like at this dance I was supposed to dance with this guy but he told his friends he didn't want to dance with a cripple....lets just say his last name suits him well since it involves a certain body part of the male species...anyway....then there's this other time when my one friend told me that this other guy (coincidentally, the same guy as listed above's older brother) and his friends would all refer to me as "Peggy" to the point that she thought it was my name. (If you haven't figured it out at this point, Peggy came from a pirate having a pegged leg)
*Fun fact: this is what inspired the Halloween costume I talked about earlier😂

4) Basically how effing rude people can be. Had a lady at work who I wasn't even waiting on see me walking and doing my job and straight up asks "what's wrong with you?" All snotty like. So I look at her and I was like "excuse you? I'm missing a leg, you ignorant b*tch." Of course before I could say that last part, my coworker chimes in, but I still wish I could have seen her face when she realized just how rude of a question that was. If any of you can take anything from this story, it's this: Always be mindful before asking someone a question or saying anything to them in general because you don't know what they are going through!

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