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Tarinii ran towards her room holding  pallu  of her Saree nervously with one hand. She had to tell Arnav about the evilness his step mother and brother hid within their hearts.

At first she thought that it shall be saddening for Arnav to know about his dear step mother's malicious thoughts as he had just lost his father. Then, she thought it to be  important for herself, him and the whole kingdom that Arnav and only Arnav became the emperor. He had all the qualities of being an able emperor for a kingdom as huge as Aaranya. Intelligence ran in his veins and for sure his blood was redder than all the other men in the land, she knew that for she had seen it.  *( It is an old age belief that the more redder the blood, the more brave the person is)

She knew he was kind like a ruler ought to be. After all it was only his kindness and good heartedness to have not made her a subject of his lust. Instead he married her giving her a respectable name in the society and a step forward towards her dream to become an Empress, although he did all of this unintentionally. Moreover he was the  first friend she had ever made, she couldn’t let anything bad happen to him.

We must protect our friends always.

She went into their room hurriedly and screamed out his name. On getting no answer she asked the servants. They told her that he was in the war practice room. She had no time to think what he might be doing there, she just rushed towards that room after asking for directions.

The soldiers at once led her to that  room. She heard sounds of clashing metal from inside the room. She stood agape as she saw inside the room. Rajkumar Arnav - shirtless, ornamentless -a sword in one of his hand - practising swordfight with so many other soldiers. He looked so attractive that Tarini felt like he was some hidden fantasy of hers.

Even in this state where she was so affected by him, her eyes didn't fail to notice the depressing sadness in his beautiful eyes.
She raised her voice and commanded all the soldiers to leave. She came near Arnav and turned him so as to face him.

“What are you doing here?” She asked keeping her hand on his shoulder.

“Can't you see, I was practising! How dare you disturb my practice?” Arnav angrily spoke to her.

“Practising how to hide tears?” Tarini put a hand on his cheek empathetically.

“Princes don’t cry!” Arnav moved away and faced the wall.

“It is your basic right to cry  over your father’s death. Everyone has this right irrespective of whether you are a king, a common man or even god!” She shouted on him.

“So you think it is so easy?”Arnav turned and pulled him towards her. The conversation had heated up as both their egos came clashing.

Arnav would happily express his joy to the whole empire but his sadness ...expressing  it was against his male ego.

He was always taught that tears are the sign of giving up hope.

Tears indicate weakness of the mind.

Great men don’t cry.

 Tarini just couldn’t see Arnav bottling up his sadness like this as she knew all it shall only give him was pain, nothing else.

Arnav realized that he must not talk so angrily to his new bride and so he turned his face away. At the same time Tarini ‘s eyes started giving away what should have come off Arnav’s eyes -tears!

Have I grown so fond of you in one day, my prince, that your tears have found their way out from my eyes?  Tarini thought while looking towards him.

Kyun nazrein teri yun anjaan hain

Aankhein hain meri bhi nam…

Just then a soldier arrived.
“A meeting has been called by the ministers, your presence has been requested, sire.  Please come to the meeting hall.”

“Tell them I shall be there in a few moments."
The messenger bowed and went away.

Turning towards Tarini, Arnav held her hands. "I respect your concern towards me, princess, but I  can't cry. I have no time to do so. I have duties to perform towards the wellbeing of my people. So, please excuse me.”

He caught hold of his royal shawl and ornaments and went towards the  royal meeting hall. Tarinii followed him quietly.

The whole meeting hall was filled with the members of  the royal family, the noblemen and ministers.

As everyone settled down on their, the chief minister addressed the meeting.

“Greetings to everyone gathered here. With great sadness I inform the people of Aaranya, last night our beloved emperor passed away last night. There is a cloud of grief and mourning all over Aaranya. But we must not forget that our kingdom is under constant threat from enemy kings and so we must place the new emperor on the sacred throne as soon as possible!  Therefore, I suggest that Yuvraj Shyam be placed on the throne with an auspicious ceremony tomorrow morning itself."

Gasps and whispers filled the meeting hall. Mayuri and Shyaam smirked while Arnav stood indifferent to all what was happening.

“Chief Minister sir! I apologize for  interrupting your speech but it was my dead father's wish that Arnav would ascend the throne. I feel that my father's wish promise to Arnav must be fulfilled.” Anjali stood up.

“Everyone here knows that but  you cannot forget the traditions followed here for the whims and fancies of a ruler. It is the tradition of Aaranya that only the elder prince becomes the emperor. We can't break traditions for promises made by an already dead ruler,”said the royal priest spitefully. He couldn’t bear the fact that a woman had the atrocity to say against the word of a man.What sort of a kingdom is this? He wondered.

“But ...” Anjali tried to oppose his statement but was interrupted by Arnav.

“It is alright. What they are  saying  is correct! My elder brother, Shyam shall be the emperor. After all, he is our elder brother.” Arnav responded.

“I respect the will of the people and ministers. I am ready to ascend the throne,” Shyaam announced with a smirk.

Tarini stared at both the villains of her story and felt disgusted.

I respect your decision, my prince but it is my promise to you, Aaranya deserves only you as the emperor and so it shall be only you who shall be the emperor. It is not about my dreams anymore, it is now about what you and the people deserve.

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