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Haechan's POV

I entered the dance studio. I remember how Jaemin looked at Haeyoung. I don't know , I guess I really into her. I keep getting mad at Jaemin. I feel disgusted. He don't understand me. I like Haeyoung so much. I don't care even he said it's his long lost friend whatsover. I'm mad. I'm gonna make Haeyoung mine.

"Hey Haechan what's wrong?" Renjun who just entered the studio asked.


"Are you okay?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"You guess?"

"Okay bro tell me what's wrong." He asked as he hold my shoulder. I get away from him.

"Don't bother ask if you're not even on my side."

"What side? Bro tell me so I can understand."

I try to escape yet he manage to grab my wrist.

"Tell me duh."

I look at him and his eyes telling me to tell him.

"Not now." I said and pull my wrist.


Jaemin's POV

I walk into the dance studio. I spotted Renjun and Haechan. I come closer to them.
As I get closer , I can feel Haechan is glaring at me. Okay what's now? He's acting weird lately. He don't even greet me at home.

"Oi are you guys slacking off?" Jeno calls for us.

We go to the center of the room and start practicing for a song. The choreography is so hard.

"I believe in you for this choreo." Haechan said to me , coldly. There's a part I need to hold him up.

"Where's Mark anyway?" Our senior Taeyong asked.

"I don't know."

"I'm here!" Sorry I'm quite late." He said as he enter.

"Hurry up Mark." Taeyong said.

"We'll start the training now." He said.

We danced hard , as the part comes , I tried my best to lift Haechan but my foot slipped and can't lift him properly. End up we both fall down.

"ARGH." He screamed.

"Haechan are you okay?" I asked.

"Are you going to kill me? Do you hate me that much?" He asked.

Jeno , Renjun and I exchange glances. What's wrong with Haechan?

I kinda flustered. Why does he said that.

"No , it's mistake." I said.

He groaning in pain. His ankle sprained. I try to check him. He push my hand away.

"Lee Haechan."

"Don't touch me." He said.

"Why the hell you guys are fighting?!" Renjun who being the observer asked.

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