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Haeyoung's POV

"So can I use the room?" I asked , excitedly.

"Yes sure , here is the key." Taeil said, making me take the key from his hand.

"Thank you sunbaenim , have a nice day." I said and bow to him.

I asked him whether I can use the art room or not since I really want to use the room. I actually always getting inspired when I'm in that room.

I asked him permission if I can use it after school or not and he said I can !

I go to the art room and unlock the door. I take the sketching block and the watercolour. It's actually my orphanage anniversary which my family got invited to attend and I want to give them a present.

I take the apron and begin to sketching , I already inform my mother that I will be late so she wouldn't worry.

Suddenly , I heard the door being opened by someone , but not in the nice way , I look at the door , revealing Jeno.

"Oh Jeno , what are you doing here ? Shouldn't you go home now?" I asked.

He lock the door from the inside , I kinda confused by his action.

He approach me , I step backward as his actions kinda feared me a bit.

"W-what are you doing?"

He keep approaching me that I was pinned on the wall. I can't move.

"Jeno ! Stop , what are you doing?!" I shouted , confused by his action. Who will not?

"You and Jaemin now is a thing , right?" He asked.

"W-what's about that?" I asked , avoiding eye-contact.

"YOU KNOW I LIKE YOU BUT WHY?!" He shouted in anger , making me shut my eyes. I'm afraid.

"But , I like him. That's my heart lead me to." I said , as I avoid his gaze , it's scary.

"Oh. That's sweet , but remember Haeyoung , if you're not staying away from him , I will hurt him more. Remember those scars on his face?" He said , making me stares into his eyes.

"You're the one who did it?" I asked.

"Nice guess. Now choose , either stay away from him or be with me."

"I won't do both." I said.

He suddenly leans his face towards mine , making me gulp , his face is so handsome but I'm so scared.

"Then it's your loss." He said , and make a way out.

What was that? Jeno is so scary like how even ? He can be sweet at times but I'm sure it's his real side.

Should I tell Jaemin about this? Then he'll be fighting with Jeno. Ugh why I'm such a relationship breaker?

I just continue my drawing , after done it , I just walk back home. What a mess with Jeno's threat and stuff. And it's not even a week Jaemin and I , together. We haven't go to any proper date , yet.


I just walk our from the library , I was chased out from the library because the magazine club have a meeting , I just want to spend my spare time with study ugh. And teacher is always absent which I don't know why. It's just 2 hours left before the school end.

Before I walk to the class , I go to my locker to take some books for revision. And guess what ? Minseo is making her way towards me again.

[C] Orphanage / Na Jaemin [editing]Where stories live. Discover now