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After two years ,

"President Na , could you hand me the file?" Haeyoung , who is the Vice President of the student council asked.

"Sure." Jaemin said and handed his girlfriend the file.

"So , are you telling me that the teachers want a fixed theme for this year prom night?" Haeyoung asked.

Jaemin and Mark nodded.

Haeyoung keep fidgeting her pen , brainstorming.

"I honestly prefer to go with the specific colored theme rather than a concept." Mina suggested.

"President Na , throw some ideas." Jeno said , he's the treasurer of the student council.

"Colored theme sounds great , but I honestly want a concept. Such as , based of movie or something like that.. cosplay actually sounds great." He said.

"Cosplay on a prom night? Are you sure?" Mina asked.

"I honestly like the colored theme idea." Haeyoung said.

"Hm , we'll go with the colored theme then." He said.

"Eh wait , Jaemin! You shouldn't just follow my words like that. You're the president." Haeyoung said.

"Hm okay , let me listen to you first , if you want a colored theme , what colour is you want?" He asked.

"Pastel tone actually fits." Haeyoung said.

"And of course , I've made some sample to support the idea." Mina said and give the papers for the council members.

Jaemin took the paper and look at it.

"Hm.." He hummed.

"How'd you think?" Mina asked.

"This actually okay. Okay let's vote. Who's up for this?" He asked.

The meeting participated by 10 people and 7/10 raised their hands.

"Okay , that's the majority. We should go for this." Jaemin said and hand the paper to Haeyoung.

"You and I can manage the hall." Jaemin said and the whole room teasing them.

"Wow Jaemin , stop being lovey-dovey." Mark said and both of them blushed.

Jaemin cleared his throat before he can proceed.

"You guys can inform this to other students and teachers."

"Ah Mina , I need your help to improve the banner." Jaemin added and Mina jot down on her notebook.

"Jeno , we need to discuss about the budget and we need plan about food." Haeyoung said and Jeno nodded.

"Okay , I think we can end our meeting. We can dismiss." Jaemin said and everyone bowed to him.

Haeyoung and Jeno walk out from the room together since they both are classmate , unfortunately , Jaemin and Haeyoung aren't classmate for this year.

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