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"Haeyoung." Jeno called for Haeyoung.

She turned around.

"What's now ?" She asked.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday." He said , trying to grab Haeyoung's hand but she avoided it.

"Are you sure that you're sorry?"


"If you do , make up with Jaemin."


"Say sorry to him , you're his friend that he , used to believe. I don't like seeing four of you fighting. It's not nice to see." She said.

"Okay , if that will make you happy."

"Please do. I want to see Jaemin and you become close again." She said and smiled.

Jeno smiled.

"Haeyoung , there's no use talking to him." Jaemin , who just come pull Haeyoung's hand.

Haeyoung want to open her mouth but ,

"Stop it if you want to defend him." Jaemin said , making Haeyoung shut her mouth.

They both stop in front of Jaemin's locker.

Haeyoung's POV

"I hope you can forgive him , Jaemin. He's your friend after all." I said , making him look at me.

"I can't , Haeyoung."

"He'll change anytime soon , if he come to you and seek for your forgiveness , please forgive him." I said.

"I don't know why you're defending him. When I'm the one who is your boyfriend."

He said , sounding hurt. He walk away.

I sighed , did I just hurt him? But Jeno really wants to say sorry. Or it's only me being so kind to Jeno , forgiving him everytime he says sorry?

"What are you doing here?" Haechan who just came asked.

"It's nothing." I said and give a slight smile before I go.

"You are not okay." He muttered and he sighed. Good enough for me to hear.

"I'm okay." I muttered , doesn't care he hear or not.

I make my way to the class.

"Hey are you good?" Mina asked me.

"Yeah. How about you?" I asked , trying to be cheerful so much as I can.

"Yeah good." She answered.

"What's with Jaemin though? He looks so pissed." Mark said , making me look at Jaemin. Yes he looks so pissed.

"I don't know."

"Did you guys fight?" Mina asked.

I shrugged. Don't know what to answer.

"You did, right?"

"I don't know."

"It's not even a week since you guys start to be together." Mark said.

I look at my fingers.

It's always hard.


I walk home alone today , Mark and Mina going on a date , Jaemin still being sulky ? Like he haven't greet me since this morning. Ugh let just see how long he can keep on. I need to get ready for today's event , the orphanage's anniversary. I kinda don't want to go because Haechan said that his family also got the invitation ? Ugh Jaemin never come to ophanage ever since why he receive it? I honestly kinda sulky towards him too because he's so childish ? He can just say he mad at me why he need to be sulky?

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