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Haeyoung's POV

"Hey dude. What's wrong?" Mark asked.

"Hey are you crying?" Mina said.

"No. I think I'm allergy to something." I lied.

"Duh nice try." Mina said.

"Why the hell you always crying now?" Mark asked.

"I'm not." I took a glance on my watch , the school will dismiss in about 30 minutes. I hope time fly fast.

"Hey need tissues?" Mina hand me some , without hesitation I took it.

"You guys can do your things. Don't mind me please. Let me sleep." I said. They both look at each other and I go to my sleep or well , crying session. I'm actually exhausted.

I'm just miserable. I don't deserve to live here.

Haechan's POV

I'm looking at Haeyoung she's been crying since after recess. I don't know what happened but, I want to comfort her. I really want. I took a glance at Jaemin , his face was kinda unhappy too. Did something happened between them? Jaemin looks like he doesn't care. I don't know what I should do. Why I don't think this as a chance? Why I pity them more than I pity myself?

I sighed. Good enough to Jaemin hear me. He look at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I thought he hate me.

"Nothing." I said and continue to read my book.

"Don't you curious about Haeyoung?" He asked.


"I got rejected."

"W-what?.. Okay sorry but I never ask."

"Something's weird , I know."

"Do you want to say that I'm behind those weirdness?"

"No. Not you."


"It's either Jeno or Renjun."

"But they never.. care."

"They did. Haeyoung said something weird just now."

Why I feel like Jaemin and I becoming okay again?

"Whatever. I don't want to ask. In case , I might break your heart more." I said.

I really don't want to hear. I'm having headaches because of this rollercoaster feeling.

I heard him sighing. Poor him. But I should pitying myself more. I should.

I sighed again.


"Are you okay if I try to comfort her?" I asked.

He looks shocked. Then sighed.

"It's up to you. She isn't mine. I shouldn't care about her. I promise to myself that I won't." He said.

"You don't need to say till that extent." I said.

'She isn't mine.' Why does hurt me more?

The bell rang and I rushed to Haeyoung. Guess what her beauty face now a mess. How many times did she cry anyway?


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