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Haeyoung's POV

"So are you saying Jeno told you all that and Jaemin confessed to you yesterday?" Mina asked , shocked.

"Well , that's complicated." Mark said as he sips his coffee.

"I know."

"I never thought Jeno is that kind of jerk." Mina said.

"But I actually talked to Jeno in the dance class ,I think he is nice. Never imagined that he would say something like that to you." Mark said.

"It was fully my fault. I shouldn't come." I said.

"No girl , you coming here is like the new life for us." Mina said.

"I don't know , all I think right now is avoiding them."

"Avoiding them don't fix their brotherhood , Haeyoung." Mark said.

"I know that well too."

"Haechan being all emotional , Jaemin being selfish and Jeno being a jerk?" What's actually wrong with all in that group ? Renjun is the only one who is nice and rational. I'm not saying they're all bad but that's the fact anyway." Mina said.

Looks like she misunderstood them.

"They're not that bad. I'm the one who-"

"Okay stop if you want to blame yourself." Mark said.

"Don't stress yourself up , Haeyoung." Mina said.

I sighed.

I don't know what to do. Yeah , I should avoid them. But I only met Jaemin after the whole 11 years. This can't be. But I don't want to be the one who make his relationship with Haechan like this. I feel guilty.

"We should send you home." Mina suggest.

"Yeah , there's no way we will let you walk alone with your condition , blaming yourself and stuff." Mark said.

"I'm not that crazy to do something stupid." I smiled.

I actually got a lot of messages from Jaemin but I literally don't open it at all. In short , I turned off my phone. Don't want any disturb at the moment.

As we arrived at home , Mina hugged me and said I should be strong. Mark patting my back.

"You know , you guys should go on a date." I said jokingly.

"Oh we actually planned it already." Mark said.

"Really? It's a good thing then." I said and get into my house.

"Do you want to follow me to the hospital? I want to send the lunchbox to your dad." Mom asked.

"No thanks mom. I feel like staying in my room." I said and smiled.

"Okay dear." She said and hug me.

I go to my room and wash myself. After getting comfortable , I finally open my phone. There's a lot of call and messages from Jaemin and there's Haechan too.

I opened Haechan's message. It's all about the assignment and lastly he asked if I'm okay or not. I don't feel like replying so I just go on to Jaemin's. It's all about where am I , what's up with me , why I aren't replying and stuff. Sorry Jaemin.

I throw my phone to end of my bed and get into my blanket. I sleep. I was tired honestly.


Renjun's POV

"So are you telling me that you actually said those harsh things to Haeyoung?!" I asked Jeno who is sitting in front of me.

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