Vampire Tracer x Reader

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It's been several month now since you joined Overwatch as an...electrician. And everyday, you felt like someone is watching you literally all the time.
You're lining up for your lunch.
"Hiya luv!" The Brit greeted with a smile as she line up right behind you.
"H-hi Tracer." You said. You suddenly feel paranoid when you're with her for some reason.

"How many times I have to say this luv. Call me Lena!" She giggles before booping your nose.

"O-okay Lena."

"It ain't hard for you to call me Lena right? Haha."

Hmph. Maybe you should stop being paranoid while being with her Y/N. She's quite friendly...and cute?


As you're about to go back to your home, the whole base's power went off.

"Why right now? When I'm about to go home. Really god?" You sighed before putting on your gears and head to the power room.
You entered the power room and turn your flashlight on, but the battery just died.
"What? Why right now?" You said before heading to the exit, but the door was locked. Fear starts to fill your body.
You suddenly feel like someone touched your back. You turn around and saw nothing because it was too dark to see anything.
"Hello? Anyone in here?"
"It's me luv." A british voice came.
"Don't worry luv. You'll be alright with me." She continues. Then, you felt like jaws being insert into your neck. Your eyes began to grow heavy. You felt like Boeing drained.
"You're forever mine luv. And nothing will separate us~" She purred.
"Get some rest luv~"
And that's the last thing you heard before passing out.

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