Hello guys !!!
Thank you for all the nice comments ❤ i love you all !!!Sorry for the delay exams coming up so you know how exam weeks are in the university😅😅
I JUST HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND AND LIKE /LOVE THE BOOK😊😊........................................................
Today was the day we were all getting ready to go out for a little picnic but we had to go to the market to buy some things.
Mummy i have to enter the market now if not we will be late i said to her
Okay Mallam Ali is not around he went out to get some fuel in the car but i think lawal is around go with him she said and then i left to get ready
After i got ready to go to the market i went down stairs to call lawal so we can get going
Lawal lawal kazo zaka kai ni kasuwa dan Allah ( lawal come and take me to the market please )
Humaira oga karami zai fita da motan( humaira small sir is going out with the car) he said
Babu wani moton ne ( isnt there any car to go with) I asked
aa saide ki tambaye shi ine ba yanzu zai fita ba ( unless you will ask him if hes not going out now) he said and then i went to the boys section to ask him
When i knocked on the door no one answered then i knocked again and then I heared movement and a shirtless amir stood in front of the door
What do you need my love he said folding both hands on his chest leaning against the door then i lowered my gaze
Can you please get a shirt on i said and guess what my face started heating up what the hell was that for i thought
No he said
Excuse me i said
You heard me no he repeated
Shaking my head i asked him what i wanted to
well am going out here said
Please it will just take a min if not we will be very late i said
I can drop you on the way he said
But who will pick me up i asked
motocycle he said
Never mind i will ask my friend to take me i said walking away and then i call Amina my friend
Hello i said when she picked up but the phone was snatched away from me but amir but this time with a shirt on
Let's go he said walking towards the car while i stood there confused of what to do
Are you coming or not i have work to do he said and then i entered the car
Wait what happened to your car i asked if just clicked into my head
Spoilt he replied
What happened to it i asked again
You ask too much questions he said zooming out of the house
Well the more you ask the more you know I said
The less you talk the better for everyone he replied
You know you are rude i said
I will take that as a compliment he said
That wasn't even a compliment i said rolling my eyes
SpiritualTwo sisters given birth But separated Find out more in the novel!!!