Chapter Seven

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Cassian and Bodhi quickly entered the ship and took their places at the cockpit. 

"A little bit of deja vu, huh?" Bodhi grinned. 

"The best kind." Cassian replied. A voice crackled over the intercom. 

"Captain Andor, you have got to be kidding me." It was Mon Mothma. "Will you really defy orders again?" 

"I'm a rebel, ma'am. Besides, you technically didn't say I couldn't go." 

"Picking up a bit of K-2SO's sass, are we? That's not a good thing, Andor." Cassian was quiet. 

"I think being like K-2 is one of the best things that I could be." He replied curtly, then shut the intercom off. "Bodhi, let's go get Jyn." 

"Yes sir!" The ship rumbled to life, engines lighting up. With a blast, they sped out of the hangar and into space. Bodhi flipped switches and pressed buttons and soon, the starfighter was in hyperspace, coordinates locked for the current known location of the Death Star. 

{At the Death Star}

Jyn sat in the corner of her cell, wrists and ankles chained to her cot. Her head rested against the wall, slowly drifting  in and out of consciousness. Pain blurred her vision, her arm and shoulder throbbing with burning pain.  The lightsaber wound overcame all her other senses. They had given her nothing for the pain and instead took advantage of her weakness and prodded her for information, using the torture methods once again. It didn't matter if she was free to walk, she wouldn't be able to anyway. A tear slipped down her cheek. No one would come for her. She wasn't nearly important enough, and she knew it. Cassian was likely dead anyway. As the thought of Cassian being dead entered her mind, tears began to stream down her cheeks. This time, she had lost all hope, all will to live. She felt as if she had lost everything, when she had had nothing to lose before. No family, no friends, no money, nothing. This time, losing the few friends she made in just a few short days broke her heart. She hoped they would go ahead and kill her. That would ease her suffering.  

Suddenly, a painful feeling like a tight squeeze gripped her chest, tearing all breath away from her. Jyn gasped and straightened up, her heart feeling like someone had gripped it in their hands and squeezed it hard. She felt an unbalance deep in her gut, as if something had gone horribly, horribly wrong. She heard millions of voices cry out in horror, then utter silence, leaving Jyn wondering if she had heard anything at all. She was baffled as to what had happened and leaned against the wall again, utter fatigue claiming her body. 

Her cell door slid open, stormtroopers and Darth Vader on the other side. She sat up slowly, her gaze steely as she stared at the Sith Lord. The troopers filed in and unhooked the chains from the wall. 

"You are no longer of any use to us. Prepare yourself in whatever way you feel necessary for your execution." He instructed coldly. Jyn kicked one of the trooper in the gut then punched the other one in the face, sending him colliding with the wall.

"That makes me feel better." Jyn snapped, clenching her fists, the blood from her raw knuckles dripping to the ground. Darth Vader stood very, very still. With a quick movement, he force-slammed Jyn to the ground. 

"UNGH!" She cried out as her head slammed the floor. 

"That makes me feel better, thank you." Darth Vader said tonelessly, then turned sharply and left the cell. The stormtroopers picked Jyn up from the floor and exited the cell. Jyn inhaled shakily, letting out each breath slowly and evenly. She wanted to to tell herself she had no regrets, but deep inside she knew she did. 

{On the ship}

Bodhi and Cassian's ship flew out of hyperspace, coming to a stop in front of the Death Star. Near the massive battlestation, chunks and pieces of debris floated in space. 

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