Part 1

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Mommy can we go for ice cream?"
A little kid pulled his mother's sleeve.
"Let's stay in the park a little more and then we can go get some ice cream, okay?" she gently smiled at him while he ran back into the playground "yay!"

She went back to her book without losing track of her kid

"Mrs. Kim!"
She looked away from the pages to find another woman walking towards her
"Oh, hello Mrs. Park. How are you guys adapting to the neighborhood?"
"We absolutely love it! Thank you for the warm welcoming"
"Is nothing" she smiled at her "is that your son? How old is he?"
The pink haired boy hid behind his mother's legs
"He's five. Say hello Jimin"

"Mommy, mommy i found a squirrel! Come see!" Tae ran like crazy back to his mom grabbind her hand
"Wait a second, Tae. Mommy is having a conversation"
"But the squirrel.." he pouted, then started examining the lady with a frown, until he spotted Jimin who was hidding again, he got scared at Tae's sudden screaming before

He stared at the pink haired boy in awe, he looked so pretty, like a doll
"Woah, mommy is she a princess?"

His mother felt embarrassed at Tae's comment "No, Tae. He's a boy just like you"

"But he's so pretty" this kid doesnt have a filter, she thought
He stepped forward and grabbed Jimin's hands
"Wanna be my friend and be with me forever?! You can play with all my toys!"

Jimin's eyes widened in surprise and looked at his mother looking for permission. She nodded



Thirteen years later

"Im just saying, it would've been a hell of a fight"
"Yeah, but you're wrong" Tae told Jimin. They were on their way to school, and they always walked together "Itachi wouldn't stand a chance against Minato. I mean, you're talking about Konoha's Yellow Flash" he added proudly

"Are you good in your head?" Jimin looked at him in disbelief "Are you forgetting Itachi's Izanami? [little funfact there about my username] The ultimate technique. End of discussion!"

"God, you're such a geek"
"Otaku" he corrected Tae "thank you. As if you were one to talk"

They stopped at the usual spot waiting for Yoongi and Hoseok

"Are you guys getting at it again with that shitty manga thing?" Yoongi mocked them
"How do you know?" Hoseok looked at him
"You can always tell by Jimin's pouting" he signaled him "He only gets like that when he and Taehyung disagree about something. Lately it's been about that geeky stuff"

"Otaku" Jimin and Tae mumbled

"Yeah whatever nobody cares"

The four of them continued their way to school

"Stop being so rude, hyung" Hoseok scolded Yoongi
"Stop being so stupid and get married already" Yoongi looked back at the pair, who looked in opposite directions right away, their faces clearly red

Hoseok rapidly hit him with his elbow.
If Yoongi didn't have any appreciation for Hobi, this would be the moment he'd die.

 If Yoongi didn't have any appreciation for Hobi, this would be the moment he'd die

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It was something obvious. Those two were inseparable since they first met. They watched the same shows, played the same videogames, and basically spent together every possible second. They were practically one soul split in two bodies.
They just didn't do anything about it, and that bothered Yoongi.

They were used to Yoongi's rudeness though, and the huge variety of moods he had.

He'd go from judging, to annoyed, to planning  somebody's painful death in a matter of seconds

....did i say variety? 🤔

"I almost forgot, you guys. My cousin will be joining this school for a couple months" Tae told the group as they were reaching the school entrance
"Is he moving?" Jimin asked him
"No, just some stuff going on his house. So he'll be staying at mine for a while"

Jimin stared at the floor without stopping. He knew the person Tae was talking about was Jeon Jungkook. He had met him before.
But he doesn't like him. Whenever he comes he gets really attached to Tae, and wont ever leave them alone.

"Something wrong, Jiminie?" Tae ruffled his pink hair
"Oh, nothing. I was thinking about that stupid Math homework" Is his cousin after all, is not like i can complain. But there was something on the way Jungkook looked at Tae that Jimin didn't like

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