Part 9

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okayyy so first of all
this story is not easy for me because im really straightforward and i dont know how to play the whole "pretend i dont like you" thing lol
i really enjoyed writing this episode
so.. if you're reading this

Nami out!


"Oh, hey Jimin"
"Hi, Mrs Kim"

"Here to pick up the boys?"
"yeah.." i smiled at her. always so nice but, boyS? that means Jungkook's coming too? ugh..

"Tae's still getting ready. You wanna wait upstairs?"
"ah, sure" i went up the stairs and headed to his room.
I heard the bathroom door opening as i was getting close, just to see Taehyung, wearing nothing more than a towel wrapped around his waist, water dropping on his back as he dried his hair..

i opened the first door i could find and got in before he could see me
my heart was pounding so strong i thought i was gonna die for sure
i leaned against the door and started taking deep breaths

i heard a familir voice and turned around
A shirtless Jungkook sitting on the bed looking at me as surprised as he could be
What is wrong with this people? Why are they all shirtless??!

He stood up and quickly grabbed a hoodie

I had never paid attention to him to be honest
He was tall, his muscles defined and to be honest.. he was really handsome
Which bothered me because i knew he liked Taehyung, and how could Tae look at me having this.. thing around

"Ah, im sorry! Wrong room..i'm being clumsy today" i chuckled awkwardly making my way out
"Huh?" what does he want?

"Jimin.." i turned to face him "i know we.. dont really know each other but.. i'd.. "
he sighed
"could we be friends?"

This kid already thinks he won
..not that i'm much of a competition..

But, he looks sincere. And is not his fault that Tae only sees me as a friend

"Why not?" i smiled at him
"It means a lot.." he smiled back at me

Doesn't look like a bad kid after all..


"I'm hungry..lets go eat something first!"
"I guess there's still time before the movie" Yoongi replied to Hoseok

"You guys are looking closer than usual" Namjoon teased

"Oh we're dating now" Yoongi said pulling Hobi by his waist, making him immediately turn red

"What?!" Taehyung was shook

"See Tae? I told you" Jimin chuckled "You guys look cute together"
"I know, right?" Yoongi smirked

"Why dont you guys go ahead and sit and Namjoon and i will order" Tae signaled for the others to go

"Yeah?" he turned to Jungkook who was sitting right next to him
"For how long have you know TaeTae?"
"Since i was five" he replied with a smile
"I see.. i'm sorry if i made you feel awkward at any point.."

Jimin's POV

You shouldn't apologize, is not your fault that i like him too.

"Well.. i did feel uncomfortable a couple times.."
"Oh God.." he covered his face with his hand, i guess he felt embarrassed

"But that's in the past now. You're forgiven" i grinned
He slowly removed his hands and smiled back

"Yeah. Look, let's take a picture of this legendary moment!"

I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the two of us. I wanted to prove him no matter what, i wouldn't resent him.
We had been awkward around each other for ages now, and i'm starting to realize he's a good person

 We had been awkward around each other for ages now, and i'm starting to realize he's a good person

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He seemed happy and asked for me to send him the picture. So i got his number and complied.

"I hope you guys can eat all this"
Namjoon and Tae were back, and God that was a lot of food..
I didnt last long though.


"So what movie are we watching, Tae?"
"I heard this one's really good" he signaled the poster next to us
looks really creepy

We got inside and sat together
Yoongi and Hoseok, Namjoon, Tae and I, and Jungkook last
I didnt want to be last because i low-key got really scared at horror movies..

The first jump scare came in and Hoseok and I screamed like girls..

low-key i said 😂

Taehyung's POV

Jiminie always does the same. He tries to look so brave but every time something happens he either starts screaming along with Hoseok or will jump on his seat..
i wonder if he realizes he grabs my hand every time he does..

I look at Yoongi's side and i see him pull Hobi closer and hug him as he covers his face. He looked terrified.
It was hilarious.
Suddenly Namjoon pulls out his phone. He widened his eyes and stood up. "I'll be back" said and ran out

Is there something wrong? Is it.. Jin?

"Jiminie, i'll going to check up on Namjoon. I wont be long" said and squeezed his hand
He nodded


The movie continued, there were two empty spaces now between Hoseok and Jimin..
He was feeling pretty confident about the movie now. It had been a couple minutes without a good scare.. the worst part it's probably over..

That's what he thought

The next scare was the worst. Jimin couldnt help but jump, this time turned around and buried his face on his chest..

his chest..

who's chest..?

Taehyung's not back yet...

he slowly looked up, afraid of realizing what he'd done

His eyes slowly met the person next to him's..


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